
Believe it. They really said it. Feel free to message these lovely brainiacs and harass them as you see fit.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

She just won't give up. Isn't she cute? My number one chick fan! Unfortunately, I've had to put her on ignore, because she can only spar with "probably"s. As in "you probably have herpes." She'd be fun if she had some proof.

blazer_goddess03: you just posted some poor guys phone number and address, retard
aural_fixations: so?
blazer_goddess03: you dont even feel the slightest bit bad that people will call him?
aural_fixations: He's got a listed number.
aural_fixations: Anyone can pick up any phone book and call him.
blazer_goddess03: your nothing but a cold hearted bitch
aural_fixations: Right.
aural_fixations: It's funny that you checked to see if I blogged you so fast.
blazer_goddess03: funny, a while back, you looked up some girls phone number and shit, and you wouldnt post her screenname or phone number, but you post this guys?
aural_fixations: Wow. You really keep tabs on me. I'm flattered.
aural_fixations: Now I know you love me.
blazer_goddess03: you make me sick
aural_fixations: You haaaaave a cruuuuuush on meeeeee
blazer_goddess03: u protest you dont show, but yet in your pics you have pics of your chest and ass and shit
aural_fixations: You love me.
aural_fixations: What will you buy me?
aural_fixations: I have a list.
blazer_goddess03: yes baby, i wanna have lez sex with you, happy now? is that what you want to hear
aural_fixations: I knew it!
aural_fixations: Now that you're over the denial, what is the second step?
blazer_goddess03: haha if i were a lez i wouldnt touch you
blazer_goddess03: you probably have some STD from Mike Bircher
aural_fixations: I know. I'm a Goddess. Everyone is intimidated. That's ok.
aural_fixations: You can bow down like the rest.
blazer_goddess03: intimidated by what exactly?
aural_fixations: You don't have to stay in the background though, and worship me from afar any longer.
blazer_goddess03: haha
aural_fixations: Now that I know you've been watching me, pining for me, for months.
blazer_goddess03: does this shit make you feel better?
aural_fixations: Hanging on to every word I say, everything I do.
blazer_goddess03: its b/c your such a pathetic person
aural_fixations: I know you're my number one fan.
blazer_goddess03: you obviously get off on this stuff
aural_fixations: Yeah.
aural_fixations: And now you've gotten your time in my blog. Just like you wanted.
aural_fixations: See? I am so nice.
blazer_goddess03: its ok, we all know you and bircher spread your herpes back and forth to each other, b/c no one else will have you, either of you
aural_fixations: *pets you*
aural_fixations: poor thing. It will be ok.
blazer_goddess03: funny thing is, this isnt my real screen name i use all the time, my screenname i use, has a pic and info on it, which you will never get
aural_fixations: I can't wait til this one is over, so I can blog you again.
aural_fixations: See how much I love you back?


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