
Believe it. They really said it. Feel free to message these lovely brainiacs and harass them as you see fit.

Friday, May 28, 2004 hello
aural_fixations: hi I love all of your pics very hot what are you doing today
aural_fixations: thanks welcome nice bod yummy
aural_fixations: thanks so when can we meet up some time I would love to see that hot little bod of yours your sexy
aural_fixations: No.
aural_fixations: I don't like that kind of talk or that kind of flirting. im just playing
aural_fixations: I don't like that kind of playing.
aural_fixations: Gentlemen only.
aural_fixations: I won't meet a guy who talks that way to a lady. ok im a gentlemen i'll have to show you yeee hawww
aural_fixations: Not interested. fat ass nasty ho
aural_fixations: Aw, did you get your little net feelings hurt? Now you have to call names? i wouldn't want to date anyone with a kid anyway Most people don't
aural_fixations: Goodbye.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

*** I am convinced that there IS no boyfriend. ***

bicurious_stlouis_f: Hi...strange request...I am out of town visiting family and was wondering if you might want to have some playful fun with my boyfriend tonight in St. Louis for me?

Monday, May 24, 2004

stlhotpants82: wjays up
aural_fixations: hi
stlhotpants82: im a 21 yr old dude who luvs older sexy women
aural_fixations: Wonderful. Is this chat confessionals?
stlhotpants82: sure
aural_fixations: I see
aural_fixations: Do you wear hotpants?
stlhotpants82: do u like young healthy dudes?
stlhotpants82: nope
aural_fixations: This IS confession. You can tell me.
stlhotpants82: i know but i dont
aural_fixations: But its your screen name.
stlhotpants82: i just think its a funny sn
aural_fixations: I think you wear hotpants.
stlhotpants82: so what if i did?
aural_fixations: Then you should be asking my friend if HE likes young guys.
stlhotpants82: but i like chicks
aural_fixations: But you wear hotpants. I'll bet they're sparkly and silver.
stlhotpants82: i dont wear any but thats cool
aural_fixations: I see.
aural_fixations: Yes. I like younger guys. But I'm not interested.
stlhotpants82: y r u not interested?
aural_fixations: I like manly men.
stlhotpants82: thats what i am
aural_fixations: Not in those hotpants.
stlhotpants82: i aint wearin any
aural_fixations: pervert.

Friday, May 21, 2004

pro_baseball_plyr: Hi, not real sure how to go about asking this...was wondering if you might want me to come over and have some fun? Going through a bad break up and just looking for something safe and discreet with no strings attached. You maybe interested?

Sunday, May 16, 2004

lowkarbs: In your mind, does a sound spanking play any role in a romantic relationship?

bluegene_23: so you want to play mind games too
aural_fixations: Yes.
bluegene_23: oh you do
bluegene_23: fuck you
aural_fixations: yes.
bluegene_23: oh ok
aural_fixations: Oh no. There will be no fornication.
bluegene_23: so you think its fun to do that with someone
aural_fixations: yes.
bluegene_23: why
aural_fixations: Some people like tennis. I like mind games.
bluegene_23: so you think its ok to tell someone that they have picture and then what you to show your picture first and so you do and then they end up saying that they have no picture
aural_fixations: Yes.
bluegene_23: and you think its also ok to tell someone they really want to meet you somewhere and then they never show up
aural_fixations: Yes.
bluegene_23: you think thats alright to do
aural_fixations: yes
bluegene_23: bye that is fucking stupid and crazy for being like that
aural_fixations: lmao
aural_fixations: wanna go to denny's?
bluegene_23: but how would like someone playing a mind game with you
aural_fixations: People play with me on here ALL the time.
aural_fixations: Its something you HAVE to get used to if you're going to chat.
bluegene_23: ok i understand that
bluegene_23: don't
aural_fixations: That's the way it goes.
bluegene_23: i don't know why
aural_fixations: I don't understand football, but people play it anyway.
bluegene_23: yea but that doesn't hurt anybody inside
bluegene_23: bye this makes me sick bye and your crazy for thinking that way fuck you
aural_fixations: ok.
aural_fixations: guess i'll go to denny's by myself.

horneyfatboy98: 21/m with cam lookin for help to jackoff
aural_fixations: what, you can't reach it?
horneyfatboy98: yea i can just lookin for visual or au dio help maybe even some phone or cyber sex
aural_fixations: turn on women's tennis and face away from the tv.
horneyfatboy98: or if your interested we could meet for the real thing
aural_fixations: I don't play tennis.
horneyfatboy98: not talkin about tennis
aural_fixations: I am.
horneyfatboy98: lol ok guess your not interested have a good night anyway

Thursday, May 13, 2004

engagedru: u sound like u r a prissy lil bitch
engagedru: is that true?
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: sure. it's true.

biggestdickin_stcharles: you sexy bitch u
aural_fixations: shoo.
biggestdickin_stcharles: no shoos here
aural_fixations: I'm not interested.
biggestdickin_stcharles: i dont care
biggestdickin_stcharles: u dont have to be interested
aural_fixations: Oh. In that case... I'll just put you on ignore.
aural_fixations: Bye.
biggestdickin_stcharles: ok
biggestdickin_stcharles: see ya cunt

Sunday, May 09, 2004

suicide_is_a_must: hey you dirty cunt... you act so perfect and innoscent but your just a fucking whore arn't u

Thursday, May 06, 2004


porlandojr: hi
porlandojr: miss me
aural_fixations: no
porlandojr: pic?
porlandojr: hola chica
aural_fixations: no
porlandojr: why are you in such a bad mood
aural_fixations: I'm not.
porlandojr: why aren't you nice to me
aural_fixations: I haven't been mean.
porlandojr: why won't you show me a pic or webcam?
aural_fixations: My pics are in my profile.
aural_fixations: I don't feel like turning on my cam.
porlandojr: cat pics
porlandojr: please....I like webcams...pretty please
aural_fixations: There's a LINK in my profile.
porlandojr: ok
aural_fixations: And shut the hell up about my cam. Its annoying.
aural_fixations: Take no for an answer like a man.
porlandojr: you are kinda cute
aural_fixations: thanks
porlandojr: really cute actually
aural_fixations: thanks.
porlandojr: guess I can't have your number either?
aural_fixations: I don't like to talk on the phone.
porlandojr: ok then let's just meet up
porlandojr: well?
aural_fixations: I'm not interested. Thanks anyway.
porlandojr: why not
aural_fixations: I'm simply not interested in meeting anyone right now, thanks anyway.
porlandojr: you don't like to have sex?
aural_fixations: Goodbye.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

sweetcollegeguy_23: tickles your tummy.........
aural_fixations: *stabs your eyeballs out and makes you eat them*

Sunday, May 02, 2004


sweety_kimi: here is the deal.. i will lock your account for 30 days if you dont show your bra for atleast 30 sec. go ahead and test me and not
aural_fixations: that's silly. do you rape people in real life as well?