
Believe it. They really said it. Feel free to message these lovely brainiacs and harass them as you see fit.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

ok. barf me out.

stlhotboy1980: STL MALE...PIC on pro...generous....profossional videogrpaher...shoot porn professionally, sell to distributors...looking for women interested in having fun...making good me.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

04:34:24 (no magic word) tellyt2001: can u get away?
pixie_with_stabby: I don't want to get away.
tellyt2001: 4 tonight
tellyt2001: ;)
pixie_with_stabby: I have no desire to get away.
tellyt2001: not yet
pixie_with_stabby: I am not interested in you, in any way, shape or form. I have told you this repeatedly.

Funluvinkriminul [4:30 AM]: hello
CrabithaMcCranky [4:31 AM]: hi
Funluvinkriminul [4:31 AM]: whats the cranky ass up to
CrabithaMcCranky [4:32 AM]: nothin
Funluvinkriminul [4:32 AM]: then thats why i should come over
CrabithaMcCranky [4:32 AM]: To someone else's house.
Funluvinkriminul [4:32 AM]: no yours
CrabithaMcCranky [4:32 AM]: I'm not interested.
CrabithaMcCranky [4:32 AM]: I'm perfectly happy with nothing going on.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

missouripantylover: what kind of panties are you wearing?
aural_fixations: crusty ones.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

hazelwoodherb: do u fuck 4 cash
insouciant_pixie: we've been through this before.
hazelwoodherb: do u fuck r suck 4 cash
insouciant_pixie: I am celibate. I don't put out. AT ALL.
hazelwoodherb: k
hazelwoodherb: go cards
insouciant_pixie: baseball is stupid.
hazelwoodherb: so r u
insouciant_pixie: durrr.. stellar come back there, genius.
hazelwoodherb: fuck off

Thursday, October 21, 2004

hazelwoodherb: r u working girl
insouciant_pixie: are you asking me if I have a job... or if i'm a hooker?
hazelwoodherb: well i dont want 2 use hooker but i guess i will YES
insouciant_pixie: No, I am not.
hazelwoodherb: u sure
insouciant_pixie: I'm positive. One would have to "put out" for that, and I don't put out.
hazelwoodherb: 500
insouciant_pixie: Go away.

Monday, October 18, 2004

jack30stl: u married ?
crabithamccranky: I'm not on the market.
jack30stl: what market ?
crabithamccranky: the dating market.
jack30stl: ahhhhhh
jack30stl: is a blow job out of the question then ?
crabithamccranky: From me, it is out of the question- whether I'm single or not.
jack30stl: u dont do that ?
crabithamccranky: I don't just hook up with someone.
jack30stl: do u give ur bf oral sex
crabithamccranky: It takes months to years for that kind of stuff.
jack30stl: really
crabithamccranky: I don't talk about my personal sex life with anyone.
jack30stl: well im not anyone im jack
crabithamccranky: And I'm not talking about it with you either.
jack30stl: u can call me jack
jack30stl: do u
jack30stl: ?
crabithamccranky: Goodbye, Jack.
jack30stl: wait
jack30stl: tell me
jack30stl: whats the most nasty thing u done
crabithamccranky: Talked to you.
jack30stl: when the last time u sleep with ur bf
crabithamccranky: Goodbye, Jack.
crabithamccranky: You can see your blog entry at in a few minutes, along with the rest of the maggots.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

mizzou_6969: hot and horny 17/m here
mizzou_6969: looking for an older woman to help me cum on cam
pixie_the_badass: you don't know how to do that yourself? and why would you want to do that on your cam? its messy.
mizzou_6969: lol......
mizzou_6969: i would love for an older woman to watch
mizzou_6969: I love older woman
pixie_the_badass: that's because the ones younger than you are don't have boobs yet.
mizzou_6969: >_<
pixie_the_badass: you'll learn one day that to women, there's nothing more boring than a guy jerking off.
mizzou_6969: ok....well
mizzou_6969: i will do anything you want me to sweety
pixie_the_badass: i want you to go away.
mizzou_6969: ok
mizzou_6969: thats all you had to say
mizzou_6969: bu bye

Sunday, October 10, 2004

i_like_to_wrestle1958: I'm a 45 yr old out-of-shape man who can defeat ANY woman at wrestling. I bet you can't prove me wrong!

Thursday, October 07, 2004

tellyt2001: i wish u was my gurlt
ellyt2001: your sooooooooo fine
aural_fixations: oh?
tellyt2001: yes
tellyt2001: you wanna kick it tonight
aural_fixations: No thanks.
tellyt2001: whys not
saural_fixations: I'm not interested.
tellyt2001: u never are
aural_fixations: And yet you keep asking.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

elvicpi: hi doing
aural_fixations: hi
elvicpi: 32/stlouis
aural_fixations: you are?
elvicpi: how was ur dat
elvicpi: how was ur day
aural_fixations: you're 32/stlouis?
elvicpi: yes
aural_fixations: That's funny. You were 25 at 2:28 this afternoon.
elvicpi: iam honest now 32
aural_fixations: You're not honest. You're annoying.
elvicpi: u looking
aural_fixations: No.
aural_fixations: Just like I told you for the last two days, and just like my profile says.
elvicpi: iam looking badly
aural_fixations: I can tell. You don't have the skills.
elvicpi: porr skill
elvicpi: poor
aural_fixations: Poor typing skills as well.
elvicpi: from oanther copuntry
elvicpi: from another country
aural_fixations: You said you're from St. Louis
elvicpi: i live here
aural_fixations: I see.
elvicpi: no gf
elvicpi: u there
aural_fixations: no
elvicpi: do u know how big mine
aural_fixations: I don't care.
elvicpi: 9 inches
aural_fixations: That's it? No wonder you don't have a girlfriend
elvicpi: iam new here
elvicpi: in stlouis
aural_fixations: blue.
elvicpi: yes
aural_fixations: I am from Guam. I like velcro and goats.
elvicpi: wher eu live
aural_fixations: Iceland.
elvicpi: is it in mo
aural_fixations: No. Its in Australia.
elvicpi: i dont believe
aural_fixations: Darn.
elvicpi: u like big dick
aural_fixations: Yes.
elvicpi: 9 inches and fat
elvicpi: white guy here
aural_fixations: Where's the rest of it?
elvicpi: 160 lbs 5.10
aural_fixations: Know any guys with big dicks?
elvicpi: just me
aural_fixations: That's not big.
elvicpi: 9 inches
aural_fixations: Did you measure with a ruler?
elvicpi: yes
aural_fixations: You know... in this country, you're supposed to measure at the end that starts with "one". Turn it around and try it again.

elvicpi: hi
aural_fixations: hi.
elvicpi: 25/stlkouis
elvicpi: u instlouis
aural_fixations: I know. You tried talking to me yesterday.
elvicpi: yeselvicpi: u live in st louis
aural_fixations: I will again direct you to my profile.
aural_fixations: I answered all these questions yesterday.
elvicpi: okelvicpi: u close to me
elvicpi: ur name
aural_fixations: Pixie.
elvicpi: samelvicpi: single looking'
aural_fixations: I'm not. Just like my profile says.
elvicpi: u wanna meet
aural_fixations: No. Just like my profile says.

porlandojr: hey there?
aural_fixations: hi
porlandojr: when we getting together?
aural_fixations: we're not.
porlandojr: y not
aural_fixations: I'm not interested.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

ahmadhot2003: you want to sex?
aural_fixations: Oh yes.
ahmadhot2003: okaural_fixations: Bend over.
ahmadhot2003: hyello
ahmadhot2003: how ar you
ahmadhot2003: i wanty to see your sex
ahmadhot2003: open wabcam?
aural_fixations: I don't have any sex.
aural_fixations: That's why I want to sex.
ahmadhot2003: hi
ahmadhot2003: i want your sex?
aural_fixations: George?
ahmadhot2003: hi
ahmadhot2003: i have wabcam
aural_fixations: Why do you keep saying "hi"?
aural_fixations: Stop that.
ahmadhot2003: ok
aural_fixations: Bend over and stick it up your ass.
ahmadhot2003: you want to sex?
aural_fixations: Yes.
ahmadhot2003: ok

flying_man72: i can play with my dick as man and i can put dick in my ass as womman

aural_fixations: Why are you telling me this?

flying_man72: im under ur contral

aural_fixations: Then leave.

flying_man72: ok