*** another yahoo psychiatrist ***
notsurewhythis: prude in chat? I dont think that is possible....a real prude would not be here......if someone thought that for real and was in here...they need to get over their self and look at reality
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: oh. um. ok.
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: I guess I'm a "fake" prude who won't put out and doesn't talk about sex.
notsurewhythis: ohh.....you take being a prude as not being easy....that is not the meaning of a prude
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: oh. enlighten me, mr. webster.
notsurewhythis: lol
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: Main Entry: prude
Pronunciation: 'prĂ¼d
Function: noun
Etymology: French, good woman, prudish woman, short for prudefemme good woman, from Old French prode femme
: a person who is excessively or priggishly attentive to propriety or decorum; especially : a woman who shows or affects extreme modesty
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: my showing of extreme modesty: not putting out or talking about sex.
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: which... in a chatroom, is quite prudish.
notsurewhythis: modesty is not just sex
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: which. in a chatroom. is quite prudish.
notsurewhythis: modesty comes in all parts of your life
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: which. IN A CHATROOM. is quite prudish.
notsurewhythis: I think you give the other ppl to much credit.....it is not that your a prude....it is just most are perverts
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: I'll change my name. I am busted. You are right and I am wrong. I am just an uneducated, pathetic girl. Poor me.
notsurewhythis: lol
notsurewhythis: strong willed.....the need to be right .........and if someone differs from your oppinion it is something that bothers you....that sounds like a fair look at you
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: I love it SO much when people analyze me.
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: Keep going. Tell me all about me. Because in my 31 years, I obviously haven't a clue.
notsurewhythis: it is not being analyzied........but it is good to see how you are perceived......think about it....you already know how you feel and think......what you have to learn is how others see your actions
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: you know... because in my volumous 10 lines of conversation, one can know everything about me.
notsurewhythis: I could know you all your life and still not know exactly who you are......you are the only one that can do that......ppl dont judge who you are......they just go by what you care to let them see
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: profound.
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: I just never ever knew that. Wow. So smart you are.
notsurewhythis: lol
notsurewhythis: thank you yoda
this_coochie_isnt_for_you: No problem. Time to change my sheet.
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