
Believe it. They really said it. Feel free to message these lovely brainiacs and harass them as you see fit.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004


brownpiston: hello mam!
brownpiston: hi
brownpiston: i am brown
brownpiston: ok talk to me
brownpiston: i wont ask you any sexy questions
brownpiston: i know who you are
brownpiston: fot\r whom you work!!!
brownpiston: talk to me
brownpiston: i know you acting!
aural_fixations: oh yeah? tell me where i work now.
aural_fixations: come on.
aural_fixations: I know you can.
aural_fixations: you know me.. right/
aural_fixations: tell me.
brownpiston: you boot me?
brownpiston: ok
brownpiston: your web site is poor
aural_fixations: i didn't boot you.
brownpiston: and kid
aural_fixations: go ahead. tell me where I work.
brownpiston: you want to know where you work?
aural_fixations: brownpiston: i know who you are
brownpiston: fot\r whom you work!!!
brownpiston: right?
aural_fixations: yes. tell me.
brownpiston: if i tell you taht you will be surprised!
brownpiston: that..
aural_fixations: yes, i will.
aural_fixations: so tell me.
brownpiston: ok i will tell you
brownpiston: but i need some thing in return
brownpiston: will you be my pal?
brownpiston: will you help me sister?
brownpiston: i am suffering here in India
brownpiston: will you help me sis?
brownpiston: i am not a mone
aural_fixations: no.
brownpiston: i am not a money seeker
aural_fixations: either you tell me, or we don't chat.
aural_fixations: that's it.
brownpiston: i dont want money
brownpiston: i need your help
aural_fixations: I don't care.
aural_fixations: tell me, or go away.
brownpiston: ok
brownpiston: you work for the CIA!
brownpiston: right?
brownpiston: cia
brownpiston: ha ah
brownpiston: will you help me?
aural_fixations: no. I don't work.
brownpiston: then??
aural_fixations: so you're quite wrong.
aural_fixations: you don't know me.
aural_fixations: bye.
brownpiston: no way i am always right
brownpiston: ok
brownpiston: my web site
brownpiston: see it
aural_fixations: no
brownpiston: you love me?
brownpiston: will you marry me
brownpiston: my web sit
aural_fixations: no
aural_fixations: Go away
brownpiston: am i like a kid?
brownpiston: you see i talk like a kid
brownpiston: i act lie a kid
brownpiston: you like it?
brownpiston: well bye sister
brownpiston: happy to meet you
brownpiston: chao


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