
Believe it. They really said it. Feel free to message these lovely brainiacs and harass them as you see fit.

Friday, December 19, 2003


nibs582000: like to make some cash sexy?
aural_fixations: sure.
nibs582000: really?
aural_fixations: yeah
nibs582000: dont you want to know whats involved?
aural_fixations: Okay
nibs582000: well looking for sexy lady like you to model nude in privite for me-and show me hot time
aural_fixations: Oh.
nibs582000: yes
nibs582000: fantacy of mine
aural_fixations: I think I've talked to you about this before.
nibs582000: no one see you nude but me
aural_fixations: We decided that 1- you didn't have enough money.
aural_fixations: and 2 - you didn't want me to bring my friends.
nibs582000: i am interested
nibs582000: you pretty hot
aural_fixations: you don't have 10 million dollars.
nibs582000: so how much would you want?
aural_fixations: and you didn't want to be naked in front of 6 of my male friends.
nibs582000: would mind as long as they dont interfier
aural_fixations: 10 million dollars.
nibs582000: no i dont have 10 million sexy
aural_fixations: oh.
nibs582000: 5,000
aural_fixations: That isn't even close to 10 million.
nibs582000: no its not
nibs582000: ok just seeing if you interested


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