
Believe it. They really said it. Feel free to message these lovely brainiacs and harass them as you see fit.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Sunday, April 11, 2004
Begin IM - 4/11/2004 10:52 AM
MOVIEDUDE88 [10:52 AM]: hello age ?
CrabithaMcCranky [10:52 AM]: profile.
MOVIEDUDE88 [10:52 AM]: how are u today ?
CrabithaMcCranky [10:53 AM]: fine.
MOVIEDUDE88 [10:53 AM]: so pick truth or dare lol
CrabithaMcCranky [10:53 AM]: Dare. I dare you to not say anything sexual to me whatsoever.
MOVIEDUDE88 [10:54 AM]: u were to pick, not me, and what is the phobia with sex ?
CrabithaMcCranky [10:55 AM]: There is no phobia. I happen to prefer it be a private part of my life.
MOVIEDUDE88 [10:55 AM]: i take it u are involved with someone ?
CrabithaMcCranky [10:57 AM]: I am. However, even if I weren't, I still wouldn't talk about sex.
MOVIEDUDE88 [10:57 AM]: sounds like a phobia to me
CrabithaMcCranky [10:57 AM]: I prefer privacy.
CrabithaMcCranky [10:57 AM]: I like the intimacy of it.
CrabithaMcCranky [10:57 AM]: If you can't understand that, this conversation should end now.


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