
Believe it. They really said it. Feel free to message these lovely brainiacs and harass them as you see fit.

Sunday, August 31, 2003

yourgilr2002: fuck u

aural_fixations: not my type.

** he tries repeatedly to add me to his buddylist**

aural_fixations: now you want to add me?

aural_fixations: you tell me "fuck u" and you want to add me??

*** this is a long one***

toofresh2: hey girl, whats up?

aural_fixations: yo.

toofresh2: where are u from sweetie?

aural_fixations: st louis.

toofresh2: right on, west county here, what do u look like?

aural_fixations: like my cam.

toofresh2: nice nice, wanna see my pic

aural_fixations: no, i have a boyfriend.

toofresh2: anyway, all I said was do u wanna see my pic, I didnt ask if u had a boyfriend, I have a girlfriend but I didnt tell u that when u told me to look at your cam, you know what im done talking to you, we are in a chatroom not at a bar or a club, relax a littel Im not asking you on a date here, All I asked was if u wanted to see my pic?

aural_fixations: meow.
toofresh2: lol

toofresh2: exactly

aural_fixations: if i have 10 PMs... 9 of them are hitting on me. i lay it out there up front. whether asked or not.

aural_fixations: no. i don't need to see your pic to chat. i'm not like that. thanks for asking though.

toofresh2: well, Im not the average nine out of ten, so u messed up

aural_fixations: i didn't mess up.

toofresh2: late

aural_fixations: i lay it out there for EVERYONE so there is no doubt to anyone. i'm just a good girlfriend like that.

toofresh2: no your just dumb, your in a chatroom, if someone wants to hook up, then yea you pull, hey I have a boyfriend

aural_fixations: if you're going to call someone dumb... spell "you're " correctly.

toofresh2: anyway, this is a chatroom not an english class, I think your a very confused person that doesent know whats going on in the world, do u have a job, or live at home, let me guess both!

aural_fixations: yes, i am a radio personality, and i live in my home.

toofresh2: no wonder your a weirdo

aural_fixations: in a matter of speaking.. i do live at home. lol ;)

toofresh2: lo, right on, it just strikes me really wierd that u came out and said u have a boyfriend when I was just chatting with you, thats mean something ya know. Maybe you just chat to the wrong people, cause I wasnt asking for your phone nimber or for a date

aural_fixations: look... it's a courtesy i extend to my boyfriend out of respect for our relationship. i tell every person i talk to upfront, that i am not available.

aural_fixations: it wasn't against you.. it's just a thing he and i both do. i'm sure you can respect that. you seem reasonable.

aural_fixations: (and yeh.. i'm really weird. )

toofresh2: of course, but I have a girlfriend and I love her with all m heart but if you cant even chat woth someone, when you have the security of just chatting I would hate to see you or him in public, talking to other people

aural_fixations: i have 6 pms right now. all of them are guys hitting on me, except you. it's different on the net than in public.

toofresh2: and your a reasonable person but just think about that one and let that settle

toofresh2: lol, lol, lol, alright use the brain here, your name is oral fixations and were not talking about ciggerettes here

aural_fixations: aural.

aural_fixations: not oral.

toofresh2: anyway

aural_fixations: aural means "of the ear". music.

aural_fixations: i like music and i am a dj.

aural_fixations: :|

toofresh2: bit your average un-educated american doesent know that

aural_fixations: the ones i choose to converse with do.

toofresh2: its just like that, I didnt ask you what you like or what you do yet you are for sure about letting me know that, and that your in a relationship, keep it real and just chat your being to forward

aural_fixations: you misunderstood my screen name. i corrected you.

aural_fixations: you assumed i didn't have a job and that i live with my parents... i explained.

aural_fixations: that's who i am. i lay it out there. if it's too forward for you.. if you can't hang.. i dig.

toofresh2: I know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I was trying to explain to you why peopl are PMing you and your telling me what you do and what you like, your lost in the world, DJ-boyfriend0house or none of the above your still lost

toofresh2: your still clue-less at what Im trying to tell you

aural_fixations: i know WHY people are pm'ing me. which is why i always lay it out there...

aural_fixations: and chat with the ones who are cool with me being upfront and honest.

toofresh2: what is? IT

toofresh2: honestly, is IT, what you want everybody to know about you>?

aural_fixations: whatever they want to know, unless it's sexual, then it's private.

toofresh2: but, alright, now seriosly, listen to me, I never once asked you what u did, or what your relationship status was or what u like to do, but you told me anyway, I could really care less

aural_fixations: it's "couldn't care less" as in... i could not care any less than i care right now.

aural_fixations: and i told you WHY i told you my occupation. you said "you probably don't have a job".

toofresh2: anyway, I though you were a dj, not an enlgish teacher

aural_fixations: actually... you did ask. you said "do u have a job"

toofresh2: and actually it I dont care

aural_fixations: your points stand much more solid if they are correct.

toofresh2: Im going to stop wasting calories typing tosomeone who has NO CLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

aural_fixations: good. stop wasting them on yourself.

aural_fixations: you aren't able to hang with someone you disagree with.

aural_fixations: and i am.

toofresh2: if funny though, you wanted me to know everything about you but never asked what I did or anything, how do u know I dont have a job>? Your clueless seriosly and I actually wasted 15 minutes of my time typing to a DJ, with a girlfriend and with a house! LOL your a trip

aural_fixations: you've spent your time trying to go off on me. why would i want to know anything about you?

aural_fixations: you told me you have a gf and you love her... i didn't ask that...

toofresh2: exactly my point, your maybe an educated person who knows but hey, who cares, you just saidn it yourself, why?????????why?????????whould you care about what I do or what my relationship status is, that was my whole point of this chat conversation, I didnt care that you had a boyfriend and I didnt care that you were a DJ, those were things you came out and just told to a complete stranger who doesent even give a rip.......Im finished with you!@

aural_fixations: you keep asking me why i offered the information unasked. i do things like that. you went off on me for it... yet... you did the very same thing.

aural_fixations: how hypocritical.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

lovely_lexi25: Hi there

aural_fixations: hi.

lovely_lexi25: how are you?

aural_fixations: fine

lovely_lexi25: may i view your cam?

aural_fixations: it's on.

lovely_lexi25: you are beautiful

aural_fixations: thanks.

lovely_lexi25: i wish i could see more of your body

aural_fixations: keep wishing.

stallion_million: wat color is ur bra?

aural_fixations: the color of my cam turning off if you talk like that with me again.

teacherpeter2: how dull

aural_fixations: yeah. bye.

teacherpeter2: thats rite

teacherpeter2: how does it smell that far far up ur own ass?

aural_fixations: kinda like you.

teacherpeter2: i imagine u do think ur own shit dont stink

aural_fixations: you assume.

aural_fixations: how would you like to have 48 viewers all trying to get you to strip and trying to talk to you?

teacherpeter2: nope imagine, its a terrible image

aural_fixations: how would you like answering the same 10 questions every single time you get a pm?

teacherpeter2: dont have an open cam if its an issue

aural_fixations: i don't care if people watch. them watching me isn't the issue.

aural_fixations: it's idiots trying to talk to me that's the issue.

teacherpeter2: well this idiot has 2 go now but it was so much fun

aural_fixations: gnite

teacherpeter2: we must do it again sumtime

aural_fixations: right on.

sachinsingvi: VIEW MY WEBCAM

aural_fixations: no thanks.
sachinsingvi: **** off

aural_fixations: ok. bye.

sachinsingvi: **** off

aural_fixations: how can i **** off if you keep talking?

sachinsingvi: **** off

aural_fixations: i'm never going to be able to **** off if you keep talking.

sunil_u2: Hello.....

sunil_u2: hey it's me ur friend .... do u remember....

sunil_u2: last time u r so angry with mee ..... right...

aural_fixations: GO AWAY

aural_fixations: i don't EVER want to chat with you. leave me alone.

interested_182002: you r a doll

aural_fixations: thanks.

interested_182002: was a nice cleavage view

interested_182002: looked sweet

aural_fixations: :|

interested_182002: sorry it did

aural_fixations: i'm not here for that kind of talk. go on somewhere if you are.

terminator02003: i want u pusy

aural_fixations: i'm sure you do.

terminator02003: can i see u

aural_fixations: no.

terminator02003: im naked

terminator02003: why

aural_fixations: yuck.


terminator02003: u like dicks

aural_fixations: don't talk to me like that.

aural_fixations: i don't want to see your silly dick.

terminator02003: stop swallow

terminator02003: show me u tits

aural_fixations: you're not good enough for me.

aural_fixations: you'll have to pay me.

terminator02003: come on baby

terminator02003: i pay u 99 cents

terminator02003: no more

terminator02003: don want to see my dick

aural_fixations: one hundred american dollars.

terminator02003: suck my dick or what

aural_fixations: you will pay me to see your dick.

aural_fixations: if you want me to see it, you have to pay me.

terminator02003: u have to swallow it


aural_fixations: no. you pay me just to LOOK at it.

aural_fixations: you are not good enough for me.

terminator02003: no suck no game

terminator02003: u are u pusy



aural_fixations: you're not good enough for me.

terminator02003: ups

aural_fixations: bye.

terminator02003: suck my dick

aural_fixations: you don't have one.

terminator02003: u swallow it

aural_fixations: you're not worthy of me.

terminator02003: go and suck another dick then


aural_fixations: nah.

terminator02003: suck another dick u hear me

aural_fixations: you're really not very creative with your insult attempts.

hotguy_2401: stand up

hotguy_2401: stand up

aural_fixations: no.

t_anchan: i wanna see ur buubs

t_anchan: show me ur big boobs

t_anchan: hello

aural_fixations: good bye.

pooja_yog104: your hobbies

pooja_yog104: your face is very beautiful

pooja_yog104: u r like to sex chat

pooja_yog104: your boob size

pooja_yog104: plz open the t shirt

annadisreddy: thats what i like from the gals

aural_fixations: go away.

annadisreddy: i fuck you

aural_fixations: no. you fuck off.

annadisreddy: no i will fuck you

aural_fixations: bye.

annadisreddy: do i fuck you open your private parts

annadisreddy: i wanna fuck you better than your boyfriend

annadisreddy: let me show you something

calvin_klein8us: up late

aural_fixations: i'm always up at this time.

calvin_klein8us: o hok

calvin_klein8us: guess i'm the one up late

calvin_klein8us: you sure do have a sexy body


aural_fixations: thanks.

calvin_klein8us: yw

calvin_klein8us: how big are those boobs?

aural_fixations: bigger than your brain if you're going to ask question like that.

calvin_klein8us: lol

calvin_klein8us: That's not a dumb question? Just wonderin if they are C's or D's


aural_fixations: it isn't a dumb question. it's a rude question.

calvin_klein8us: i dont think so

calvin_klein8us: You have sexy pics of you out there....can't expect for me not to be attracted

calvin_klein8us: just a question...sorry

aural_fixations: *i* do. i don't go around asking personal questions like that... like how big is your johnson. (and i dont want to know.)

calvin_klein8us: but if you asked it i wouldn't care

aural_fixations: it isn't a question of you being attracted. it's a matter of class and proper manners.

aural_fixations: you wouldn't walk up to a chick on the street and say "hey nice tits.. how big are they?"

calvin_klein8us: whateva


aural_fixations: i expect to be treated like a lady.

aural_fixations: i appreciate your.. compliment... but not the question.

calvin_klein8us: lol...good

calvin_klein8us: big are they?

calvin_klein8us: ok...kidding

aural_fixations: :|

goldenkannan_sat: pls show ur boob

aural_fixations: bye bye

abram_g99: looks like u have lovely boobs

aural_fixations: dont talk to me like that.

abram_g99: ok

abram_g99: sorry

denis_epn: Go away fuck girl

*turns off cam*

denis_epn: how r u


aural_fixations: i don't want to chat.


denis_epn: Go fuck and enjoy

tim_ryan1: What are you upto?

aural_fixations: chatting.

tim_ryan1: Truth or Dare

aural_fixations: i dare you to not say anything sexual to me whatsoever.

tim_ryan1: Bye

lisapurr: hi

aural_fixations: hi.

lisapurr: 30/f/st.louis/bi

aural_fixations: cool.

lisapurr: are you bi

aural_fixations: not at all.

lisapurr: have you ever wanted to try it with another woman

aural_fixations: just like it said in #3 on my automated message.

aural_fixations: no. i am not bi. i am not interested in women. i am not curious. i have those parts. i know how they work. i like men. and only men.

aural_fixations: clear?

lisapurr: not really

aural_fixations: ah. well this should be clear:

aural_fixations: bye.

horney8inchseexxyme: wanna watch me stroke it?

aural_fixations: go away.

horney8inchseexxyme: fuck you whore

aural_fixations: go away.

morton742001: so u dont show?

aural_fixations: no.

morton742001: why not

aural_fixations: i'm classier than that.

morton742001: u look good

morton742001: u should 4 me

aural_fixations: no.

aural_fixations: your time will be better spent looking for someone who will. i am NOT going to show. for ANYONE.

morton742001: ok

cwebbmamma: ?

aural_fixations: ??

cwebbmamma: whats on

aural_fixations: my cam.

cwebbmamma: what room u in?

cwebbmamma: just invite me it will be ezier

aural_fixations: no.

aural_fixations: if you want to see it, you look.

aural_fixations: i don't want to chat though.

cwebbmamma: what room u in?


cwebbmamma: u think I give a damn?

cwebbmamma: dont tell me...i could care less...hah..bye

aural_fixations: the phrase is 'i couldn't care less'.

aural_fixations: it doesn't matter what room i'm in.

aural_fixations: i'm not in ANY room.

cwebbmamma: k

strtracer692002: u wanna c a hot camshow?

aural_fixations: no thanks

strtracer692002: fuck u ur a dog neway

tasteme2202002: you are very cute a/s/l

aural_fixations: THIS IS AN AUTOMATED REPLY:
NOT USA = NO CHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) asl = louis, soco
3) I have a boyfriend. I don't cheat. I'm not bi.
4) I don't want to see your cam
5) I don't want to add you.
6) Im busy

man_a_ger_22: hey

man_a_ger_22: im a nerd


aural_fixations: mhm

aural_fixations: mhm

man_a_ger_22: i am

man_a_ger_22: why else would i be up at 112

man_a_ger_22: lol

aural_fixations: heh

man_a_ger_22: do you type sentences, or just grunts and groans

aural_fixations: depends on how busy i am.

aural_fixations: usually i answer questions efficiently.

man_a_ger_22: lol

aural_fixations: you look like a guy i work with.

aural_fixations: these jerks are idiots.

man_a_ger_22: ya

man_a_ger_22: so am i good looking or bad looking

aural_fixations: i have a boyfriend. i don't say either way.


man_a_ger_22: omg

man_a_ger_22: how lame

man_a_ger_22: u can say if a man is attractive

aural_fixations: it's my own choice.

man_a_ger_22: kinda lame

aural_fixations: i'm *that* good of a girlfriend.

man_a_ger_22: but ok

aural_fixations: my opinion about what makes a man physically attractive isn't worth much to anyone but me anyway. i tend to prefer the "offbeat".

man_a_ger_22: smle

aural_fixations: ?

man_a_ger_22: i mean a real smile

aural_fixations: when something is funny, i will.

aural_fixations: you can't command a genuine smile.

man_a_ger_22: well those tits behind the nerds arent funny

man_a_ger_22: they are huge

man_a_ger_22: biggest 2 nerds i have seen

man_a_ger_22: lol


aural_fixations: should i turn off my cam now?

man_a_ger_22: depends

man_a_ger_22: u gonna show the fangs or just sit there with a stupid look on your face?

man_a_ger_22: with that stupid hair

man_a_ger_22: thank u

aural_fixations: no problem.

man_a_ger_22: almost threw up

aural_fixations: yeah.

man_a_ger_22: ya

aural_fixations: bye.

man_a_ger_22: see ya

man_a_ger_22: mistress

g_g9568: hiya - english dude - barefeet or socks???

aural_fixations: i don't know. look at your feet.

g_g9568: LOL - was gonna say it was more interesting than asl - but guess u answered that too pmsl

aural_fixations: heh

mr_truer2010: i think u have one problem tht ur chest's size is small therefore u don't wanna be friend

aural_fixations: i think your brain size is too small.

mr_truer2010: like ur chest

mr_truer2010: ok i,m sorry

mr_truer2010: don't be hurt

aural_fixations: if you speak to me again, i will turn off my cam.

mr_truer2010: ok

mr_truer2010: can u chat with me now

aural_fixations: no

aural_fixations: i don't want to chat with you.

mr_truer2010: i don't have any friend with whom i can chat

aural_fixations: i dont care.

mr_truer2010: oh

aural_fixations: i don't want to chat with you.

aural_fixations: leave.

mr_truer2010: ok

mr_truer2010: bye

bluexstorm_63033: hi

aural_fixations: hi

bluexstorm_63033: single yet?

aural_fixations: no


aural_fixations: i'm not really interested anyway.

bluexstorm_63033: ouch

aural_fixations: want me to be honest or lead you on?

sunil_u2: hai

aural_fixations: i dont want to chat.

sunil_u2: o.k. sorry....

sunil_u2: i think u r busy with ur... friends.... right....?


aural_fixations: i'm not busy.

aural_fixations: i just don't want to chat with you.

sunil_u2: then why u say u don't want to chat... before....

aural_fixations: because i don't want to chat.

sunil_u2: that's why... ?

aural_fixations: please leave me alone.

sunil_u2: no no... just wait....


sunil_u2: wana friendship with meeeeeee....

sunil_u2: ???

aural_fixations: no

aural_fixations: leave me alone.

sunil_u2: in friendship u much have trust... and the most important thing is how u can appreciate ur friend... as i feel and U ... ?

aural_fixations: GO AWAY

sunil_u2: O.k.... then as ur-wish....

sunil_u2: hello hello...

aural_fixations: what.

sunil_u2: u looks so nice..

aural_fixations: i don't want to chat.

sunil_u2: i think u r very great person....


aural_fixations: leave me alone.

sunil_u2: r u distrubed by me......

sunil_u2: u don't want to chat with me... ?

aural_fixations: GO AWAY

sunil_u2: O.k. then... i'm gonig have good day and God bless u ... Ba Byeeee ......

sunil_u2: do u wana say me some-thing....?????

aural_fixations: no.

sunil_u2: plz... smile 4 me one-more time... is it possible... ?

aural_fixations: if you talk to me one more time, i'm kicking you off my cam.

sunil_u2: u look good to see... on smile......

sunil_u2: do u wana say me some-thing....?????

aural_fixations: no.

sunil_u2: plz... smile 4 me one-more time... is it possible... ?

aural_fixations: if you talk to me one more time, i'm kicking you off my cam.

sunil_u2: u look good to see... on smile......

sunil_u2: do u wana say me some-thing....?????

aural_fixations: no.

sunil_u2: plz... smile 4 me one-more time... is it possible... ?

aural_fixations: if you talk to me one more time, i'm kicking you off my cam.

sunil_u2: u look good to see... on smile......

sunil_u2: Ooooooh No........

aural_fixations: i told you to leave me alone.

aural_fixations: now LEAVE ME ALONE

sunil_u2: i'm really going this time... if u don't want to chat....

aural_fixations: GO AWAY

sunil_u2: O.k.

sunil_u2: this is last kiss 4 u friend...

aural_fixations: i don't want a kiss.

aural_fixations: i'm putting you on permanent ignore.

aural_fixations: because you annoy me and won't leave me alone.

aural_fixations: goodbye.

aussiebloke83: lift ur top up plz?

aural_fixations: NO

linda_brown76: today you are looking beautiful in this dress

aural_fixations: i'm not wearing a dress.

linda_brown76: ok what do you do

aural_fixations: radio.


linda_brown76: doing job in radio

linda_brown76: oh fine

linda_brown76: what kind of your job is

linda_brown76: today you are looking beautiful in this dress

aural_fixations: i'm not wearing a dress.

linda_brown76: ok what do you do

aural_fixations: radio.


linda_brown76: doing job in radio

linda_brown76: oh fine

linda_brown76: what kind of your job is

linda_brown76: today you are looking beautiful in this dress

aural_fixations: i'm not wearing a dress.

linda_brown76: ok what do you do

aural_fixations: radio.


linda_brown76: doing job in radio

linda_brown76: oh fine

linda_brown76: what kind of your job is

linda_brown76: today you are looking beautiful in this dress

aural_fixations: i'm not wearing a dress.

linda_brown76: ok what do you do

aural_fixations: radio.


linda_brown76: doing job in radio

linda_brown76: oh fine

linda_brown76: what kind of your job is

linda_brown76: are u enjoying

aural_fixations: enjoying what?

linda_brown76: the cam which i told you

aural_fixations: i don't watch cams.

linda_brown76: see it you will really enjoy

aural_fixations: i said no.

linda_brown76: please

aural_fixations: NO

linda_brown76: please

aural_fixations: i'm going to boot you off my cam and put you on ignore.

aural_fixations: leave me alone.

aural_fixations: i said i don't watch cams.

aural_fixations: now piss off.

linda_brown76: ok

linda_brown76: ok

linda_brown76: ok donot see but allow me to see you

linda_brown76: sorry

aural_fixations: no.

linda_brown76: please

aural_fixations: i SAID NO

aural_fixations: GO AWAY

linda_brown76: ok i donot also want to see you

linda_brown76: ok go away

aural_fixations: good.

aural_fixations: leave.

savethelandjoin: will you flash?

aural_fixations: no.

bdiddy262002: hey.. how r u doing tonight

aural_fixations: fine.

bdiddy262002: 6

bdiddy262002: can i get a # 6 pleaze

aural_fixations: lol

bdiddy262002: i mean u cute.. but i won't bring the complements yet.. just small talk.. i promise

aural_fixations: i see. thanks.

bdiddy262002: lol.. so r u married jenna? single?

aural_fixations: boyfriend.

bdiddy262002: long have u been dating

aural_fixations: almost 2 years

bdiddy262002: wow.. that's serious

aural_fixations: yup

bdiddy262002: cool.. ur not far from married

aural_fixations: i won't be married.

bdiddy262002: why is that

aural_fixations: just not something i'm interested in.

bdiddy262002: that's u date other people.. or just him

aural_fixations: just him.

aural_fixations: he wouldn't be a "boyfriend" if i were dating other people.

bdiddy262002: i know.. i was just checking.... so what do u do for fun

aural_fixations: sleep. read. surf on the net.

bdiddy262002: lol.. that's cool.. sleep is my favorite too

sachinsingvi: what kind of mood u have

aural_fixations: who are you?

sachinsingvi: m 25

sachinsingvi: n u

aural_fixations: how do you know i have a mood?

aural_fixations: am i on your buddylist?

sachinsingvi: no i got frm other source

aural_fixations: ah.

sachinsingvi: so what kind of mood u have

aural_fixations: annoyed.

sachinsingvi: no

aural_fixations: uh.. yes. its my mood. and i am annoyed.

sachinsingvi: ooooooooh

sachinsingvi: may i know r name

aural_fixations: read my profile.

sachinsingvi: ok i got it

sachinsingvi: but in profile there is different pic

sachinsingvi: is it right

aural_fixations: yes. my boyfriend.

sachinsingvi: or some of ur frnd

sachinsingvi: wow

sachinsingvi: he is cute



sachinsingvi: enjoying with him

sachinsingvi: whatzs his name

aural_fixations: i don't want to chat.

sachinsingvi: with whom

aural_fixations: you.

sachinsingvi: but y

aural_fixations: i don't feel like it.

sachinsingvi: ooooh

sachinsingvi: u can feel free to caht with me

aural_fixations: no.

sachinsingvi: i can be ur frnd

aural_fixations: please leave me alone.

sachinsingvi: only frnd but no lover

sachinsingvi: hey

aural_fixations: i don't want to be friends. please leave me alone.

sachinsingvi: oooooh god

aural_fixations: bye.

sachinsingvi: hey some spicy bites with me

aural_fixations: GOODBYE

sachinsingvi: if interested u can join

sachinsingvi: ok

sachinsingvi: meet u again

aural_fixations: NO

aural_fixations: i'm putting you on ignore.

sachinsingvi: i think ur in not a good mood

sachinsingvi: pls dont do that

sachinsingvi: bye

wheresyourheadat_1: just got to say, if its not too rude, u have a great pair!


wheresyourheadat_1: i guessed it was the wrong thing to say - but you are taking that away from u

aural_fixations: i'm a lady. i don't appreciate talk like that.

aural_fixations: thanks anyway.

wheresyourheadat_1: ok......i will not say another word to u - would not want to offend u

aural_fixations: ok

wheresyourheadat_1: but u really shouldn't be offended by your own bdy

aural_fixations: i'm not. i'm offended by the words men choose to "compliment" me.

wheresyourheadat_1: and i still never said 'u have nice tits' - i object to that lol

aural_fixations: i don't agree with someone, the first thing they say to me, is about my chest.

aural_fixations: no matter what they say.

aural_fixations: it isn't a compliment. it's RUDE.

wheresyourheadat_1: i admited that though

wheresyourheadat_1: what about if it was the second thing i said to u? lol


wheresyourheadat_1: that was a joke.....

aural_fixations: i'm gonna go.

wheresyourheadat_1: ok

wheresyourheadat_1: but u were blessed!


aural_fixations: bye.

wheresyourheadat_1: bye bye

kevv101teach: do you ever show any more

aural_fixations: i never did, ever.

kevv101teach: you showed your bra a cpl times

aural_fixations: i'm way too classy for that.

aural_fixations: i have never showed. i will never show. ever.

kevv101teach: you are a very atractive woman for sure

kevv101teach: so i take it I cant view

aural_fixations: it's on. anyone can see.

aural_fixations: but i don't show.

kevv101teach: ok

kevv101teach: not even a tit

kevv101teach: if i showed you my cock

aural_fixations: lol

aural_fixations: no. i'd just laugh at you.

kevv101teach: laughing is good

aural_fixations: i'm not interested.

wishnxg: so i guess that a lot of people ask you to take your clothes off?

aural_fixations: yes.

blueeyed_cutie05: why do you have guys on your profile when it says your a female

aural_fixations: it's my boyfriend. i'm sick of idiots hitting on me.

blueeyed_cutie05: am not hitting on you am not into girls

blueeyed_cutie05: so get the fuckinf stick out your ass

aural_fixations: wow.

aural_fixations: nice mouth.

aural_fixations: you asked me why i have the pic up. i told you. i didn't accuse you of it.

blueeyed_cutie05: thanxs

ichbingottderliebe: how old are u

ichbingottderliebe: lol bitch listen up

ichbingottderliebe: old rag

ichbingottderliebe: u relize ur little automatied message proeves that u show?



aural_fixations: i'm too classy to show.

ichbingottderliebe: oops u spelled that wrong

ichbingottderliebe: *ugly

aural_fixations: aren't you a charming one.

ichbingottderliebe: lol sry i dont bury loads in 30 year olds

aural_fixations: good.

ani4rudri: hello im see ur bust plz open ur dras plz

aural_fixations: ani4rudri: hello im see ur bust plz open ur dras plz

ani4rudri: aural_fixations has unloaded the IMVironment.
aural_fixations: ani4rudri: hello im see ur bust plz open ur dras plz

aural_fixations: ani4rudri: hello im see ur bust plz open ur dras plz

ani4rudri: what

aural_fixations: ani4rudri: hello im see ur bust plz open ur dras plz


aural_fixations: bye.

ani4rudri: why]

very_modest_guy: how often do u fuck

aural_fixations: never.

very_modest_guy: hey

very_modest_guy: excuse me miss

aural_fixations: what.

very_modest_guy: mind if i c ur cam

aural_fixations: it's on.

very_modest_guy: thx

very_modest_guy: cute

very_modest_guy: asl ?

aural_fixations: profile.

very_modest_guy: where in stl

aural_fixations: soco.

very_modest_guy: wowo

very_modest_guy: wehre in soco

aural_fixations: all of it. it's small.


very_modest_guy: hehe

very_modest_guy: do u know

very_modest_guy: u r hot

aural_fixations: that's what my bf says

very_modest_guy: LD

very_modest_guy: L

very_modest_guy: do u mind to date on casual basis... No trignd

very_modest_guy: string

aural_fixations: i have a boyfriend.

aural_fixations: i don't even talk on the phone with other men.

very_modest_guy: well no string..

very_modest_guy: hehhehe

very_modest_guy: man

very_modest_guy: thats an injustice with me

aural_fixations: if i wanted to screw around.. i'd be single.

very_modest_guy: hehehehehehe

very_modest_guy: well would tell anyone..

very_modest_guy: will chil out.. ok ?


aural_fixations: no.

very_modest_guy: no prob

very_modest_guy: hehheheh just kidding..

aural_fixations: i don't spend time with other men when i am in a relationship.

hotguy_2401: u are hot stand up

hotguy_2401: hey

hotguy_2401: u are hot stand up

aural_fixations: no.


aural_fixations: please leave me alone. i don't want to chat.

sunil_u2: sorry i think u r busy right now ....o.k.

aural_fixations: i'm not busy. i just don't want to chat with you.

sunil_u2: Oooh thanks...


sunil_u2: well, where' re from ?

aural_fixations: GO AWAY

sunil_u2: why

aural_fixations: i don't want to chat.

sunil_u2: is there any prob........ ?

aural_fixations: yes

sunil_u2: is it possible to say.....

aural_fixations: my problem is...

aural_fixations: you won't go away.

sunil_u2: that's set....

aural_fixations: i'll just make you go away.

sunil_u2: tel me tell u one thing.... would u like to be my best friend.....

sunil_u2: ?????????

aural_fixations: NO

aural_fixations: i would like you to GO AWAY and LEAVE ME ALONE

sunil_u2: why...?

aural_fixations: and NOT talk to me.

aural_fixations: goodbye.

aural_fixations: i'm putting you on ignore.

bicurious_stlouis_f: I have made a totally crazy bet with my boyfriend. I bet him he couldnt jackoff in front of a total stranger. He seems to think it wont be a problem. Would you be interested in just watching him tonight to see if he can do it?

aural_fixations: find someone else. it won't be me.

tommy63128: horny?

aural_fixations: no.

aural_fixations: if i were.. i wouldn't be online. i'd be banging my boyfriend.

pricey420: hi sweetie, how are you doing?

aural_fixations: i don't know. we'll see here in a minute.

pricey420: may i view on ur cam?

aural_fixations: its on

pricey420: will u invite me to view u


aural_fixations: what happened to your spelling?

pricey420: wat do u mean?

aural_fixations: you were spelling "you" and now you're spelling it "u".

aural_fixations: where are you from?

pricey420: u havent hear it before

pricey420: i am from philly

aural_fixations: i hate it.

aural_fixations: i don't like talking to people who do that.

pricey420: wat did i do

aural_fixations: i only like to talk to people who spell things correctly.

pricey420: oh ok

pricey420: i am sorry

aural_fixations: what is your nationality

pricey420: would you like to invite me to view on your webcam?

pricey420: i am an italina

aural_fixations: it's on. just look.

pricey420: is someone watching you?

aural_fixations: 48 people are watching.

pricey420: cool

pricey420: are you living alone?

aural_fixations: no

pricey420: can you put ur webcam to down a little bit?

aural_fixations: no

pricey420: it is little too high for me to see you

aural_fixations: you can see me just fine.

pricey420: you are living with someone and is a person a female or male?

aural_fixations: male.

pricey420: can u stand up for a minute?

aural_fixations: no

pricey420: it will not hurt you

aural_fixations: i SAID no.

pricey420: u scared?

aural_fixations: no. i'm not porn.

aural_fixations: if you want to see all that.. go somewhere else. i'm not hearing it.

pricey420: you have a wrong idea

aural_fixations: then don't ask me to stand up.

pricey420: u make a mistake

aural_fixations: if what you see isn't enough for you... piss off.

aural_fixations: YOU make a mistake.

pricey420: lol

aural_fixations: if you want to watch MY cam.. you will watch what i give you and nothing more. well hi there

aural_fixations: hi. i did

aural_fixations: then you already know my asl. can u show me your bodu

aural_fixations: no

bond4u_k: i think u r too wet
aural_fixations: you don't do a lot of thinking, do you.
bond4u_k: yeah
bond4u_k: i can do
bond4u_k: just ask me
bond4u_k: what to do
aural_fixations: you'll do anything i want?
bond4u_k: ofcourse
bond4u_k: just carry on
bond4u_k: any thing special to do
aural_fixations: ok good.
aural_fixations: yes. it's very special.
aural_fixations: are you ready?
bond4u_k: ya
aural_fixations: i want you to go away.
bond4u_k: thats what i was expecting frm u
bond4u_k: i know this will be ur reply
aural_fixations: good. then go away.
bond4u_k: ok
bond4u_k: but when can we have chat
aural_fixations: never.
bond4u_k: whats problem with me to cha
aural_fixations: go away.
bond4u_k: ok
bond4u_k: u hard fucker
bond4u_k: bye
bond4u_k: i knw ur not able to digest me

saira_qt2002: hey plz reply me

saira_qt2002: who r u ?


saira_qt2002: hey do u like hot chat

aural_fixations: i like to nail penis to board.

saira_qt2002: can i see ur tits plz

aural_fixations: yes. there are pics there.

saira_qt2002: ya i see it but i want to see ur tits here

saira_qt2002: plz one time show me

aural_fixations: too bad.

aural_fixations: you'll have to go to that site.

saira_qt2002: ya i will but plz i want to see ur tits one time here

saira_qt2002: plz show me

aural_fixations: first go to that site.

saira_qt2002: ya i see this site

aural_fixations: tell me the pictures on it.

saira_qt2002: here is a pannis pics

aural_fixations: do you want yours to be on there?

saira_qt2002: hey i m female miss

aural_fixations: oh. then go away.

saira_qt2002: nope i m a male

saira_qt2002: i have big pannis

aural_fixations: oh. then go away.

saira_qt2002: why i will go

saira_qt2002: plz show me one time ur tits

saira_qt2002: coz i feel very hot

aural_fixations: you have your own.

saira_qt2002: nope i have not boobs

aural_fixations: oh.

saira_qt2002: i have pannis

aural_fixations: then go away.

saira_qt2002: why i can go

aural_fixations: i said so.

saira_qt2002: why u cant show me ur boobs

saira_qt2002: plz i m ur friend plz show me one time

aural_fixations: i am a boy.

saira_qt2002: nope i see u on net u r a girl

saira_qt2002: and i like u coz u r too sweet girl

aural_fixations: oh.

aural_fixations: go away then.

saira_qt2002: nope i want to see ur tits one time

saira_qt2002: then i m go

aural_fixations: it's not going to happen.

aural_fixations: i'm too good.

aural_fixations: i don't show.

saira_qt2002: plz one time for me

aural_fixations: NO

*****(boots person from cam, then pretends that i'm showing)*****

aural_fixations: there. how's that?

aural_fixations: do you like them?

aural_fixations: they are so big and firm.

aural_fixations: now i am showing my pannis.

aural_fixations: it's hard.

saira_qt2002: plz yaar show me

aural_fixations: i am.

aural_fixations: see?

saira_qt2002: plz allow me to view ur webcam first

aural_fixations: it's on.

aural_fixations: i'm showing you my big, firm boobs. the bounce. see?

saira_qt2002: hey u cant give me permision to view ur webcam

saira_qt2002: plz allow me

aural_fixations: oh i did. why can't you see? you don't love me!

saira_qt2002: nope i love u

saira_qt2002: but u cant allow me to view ur cam

aural_fixations: i did but you won't look!

saira_qt2002: ok give me permision to view ur cam plz

aural_fixations: i did

saira_qt2002: nope u cant did this

saira_qt2002: plz allow me to ur cam

aural_fixations: i am.

aural_fixations: i give up. you are mean.

saira_qt2002: nope i m not

saira_qt2002: u cant give me permision to view ur cam so what can i doo

saira_qt2002: hey miss are u like to allow me to view ur cam ot not

saira_qt2002: why

chizzle_da_whizzle: hey ma

aural_fixations: i am not your mother.

incredible_hunk6: Hi there

aural_fixations: hi

incredible_hunk6: How are you?

incredible_hunk6: 18 m wa

incredible_hunk6: you are very beautiful

aural_fixations: thanks.

incredible_hunk6: no prob.

incredible_hunk6: just wish i was there with ya

aural_fixations: so you could clean my house?

incredible_hunk6: if it means being there with you, yes

aural_fixations: at least you'd serve a purpose.

hardmatt_54: do you show any?

hatboy_uk2002: Hot, horny and naked guy....looking for a girl to chat with......I have my cam on if you do.....Ok so i'm not naked.....but 2 out of 3 ain't

hatboy_uk2002: you like cock???

aural_fixations: chickens?

hatboy_uk2002: no......the type between a guys

aural_fixations: oh. you'll have to take that talk somewhere else. this lady doesn't appreciate it.

hotguy_2401: hey

aural_fixations: hi.

hotguy_2401: are you horny

aural_fixations: nope.

coachbaseball_89: you ever show?
aural_fixations: no.
coachbaseball_89: are very should sometime
aural_fixations: i'm much too classy to degrade myself to be some jerkoff's internet porn puppet.
coachbaseball_89: whats wrong with guys wanting to see sexy women
aural_fixations: nothing. it just won't be this one.