*** this is a long one***
toofresh2: hey girl, whats up?
aural_fixations: yo.
toofresh2: where are u from sweetie?
aural_fixations: st louis.
toofresh2: right on, west county here, what do u look like?
aural_fixations: like my cam.
toofresh2: nice nice, wanna see my pic
aural_fixations: no, i have a boyfriend.
toofresh2: anyway, all I said was do u wanna see my pic, I didnt ask if u had a boyfriend, I have a girlfriend but I didnt tell u that when u told me to look at your cam, you know what im done talking to you, we are in a chatroom not at a bar or a club, relax a littel Im not asking you on a date here, All I asked was if u wanted to see my pic?
aural_fixations: meow.
toofresh2: lol
toofresh2: exactly
aural_fixations: if i have 10 PMs... 9 of them are hitting on me. i lay it out there up front. whether asked or not.
aural_fixations: no. i don't need to see your pic to chat. i'm not like that. thanks for asking though.
toofresh2: well, Im not the average nine out of ten, so u messed up
aural_fixations: i didn't mess up.
toofresh2: late
aural_fixations: i lay it out there for EVERYONE so there is no doubt to anyone. i'm just a good girlfriend like that.
toofresh2: no your just dumb, your in a chatroom, if someone wants to hook up, then yea you pull, hey I have a boyfriend
aural_fixations: if you're going to call someone dumb... spell "you're " correctly.
toofresh2: anyway, this is a chatroom not an english class, I think your a very confused person that doesent know whats going on in the world, do u have a job, or live at home, let me guess both!
aural_fixations: yes, i am a radio personality, and i live in my home.
toofresh2: no wonder your a weirdo
aural_fixations: in a matter of speaking.. i do live at home. lol ;)
toofresh2: lo, right on, it just strikes me really wierd that u came out and said u have a boyfriend when I was just chatting with you, thats mean something ya know. Maybe you just chat to the wrong people, cause I wasnt asking for your phone nimber or for a date
aural_fixations: look... it's a courtesy i extend to my boyfriend out of respect for our relationship. i tell every person i talk to upfront, that i am not available.
aural_fixations: it wasn't against you.. it's just a thing he and i both do. i'm sure you can respect that. you seem reasonable.
aural_fixations: (and yeh.. i'm really weird. )
toofresh2: of course, but I have a girlfriend and I love her with all m heart but if you cant even chat woth someone, when you have the security of just chatting I would hate to see you or him in public, talking to other people
aural_fixations: i have 6 pms right now. all of them are guys hitting on me, except you. it's different on the net than in public.
toofresh2: and your a reasonable person but just think about that one and let that settle
toofresh2: lol, lol, lol, alright use the brain here, your name is oral fixations and were not talking about ciggerettes here
aural_fixations: aural.
aural_fixations: not oral.
toofresh2: anyway
aural_fixations: aural means "of the ear". music.
aural_fixations: i like music and i am a dj.
aural_fixations: :|
toofresh2: bit your average un-educated american doesent know that
aural_fixations: the ones i choose to converse with do.
toofresh2: its just like that, I didnt ask you what you like or what you do yet you are for sure about letting me know that, and that your in a relationship, keep it real and just chat your being to forward
aural_fixations: you misunderstood my screen name. i corrected you.
aural_fixations: you assumed i didn't have a job and that i live with my parents... i explained.
aural_fixations: that's who i am. i lay it out there. if it's too forward for you.. if you can't hang.. i dig.
toofresh2: I know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I was trying to explain to you why peopl are PMing you and your telling me what you do and what you like, your lost in the world, DJ-boyfriend0house or none of the above your still lost
toofresh2: your still clue-less at what Im trying to tell you
aural_fixations: i know WHY people are pm'ing me. which is why i always lay it out there...
aural_fixations: and chat with the ones who are cool with me being upfront and honest.
toofresh2: what is? IT
toofresh2: honestly, is IT, what you want everybody to know about you>?
aural_fixations: whatever they want to know, unless it's sexual, then it's private.
toofresh2: but, alright, now seriosly, listen to me, I never once asked you what u did, or what your relationship status was or what u like to do, but you told me anyway, I could really care less
aural_fixations: it's "couldn't care less" as in... i could not care any less than i care right now.
aural_fixations: and i told you WHY i told you my occupation. you said "you probably don't have a job".
toofresh2: anyway, I though you were a dj, not an enlgish teacher
aural_fixations: actually... you did ask. you said "do u have a job"
toofresh2: and actually it I dont care
aural_fixations: your points stand much more solid if they are correct.
toofresh2: Im going to stop wasting calories typing tosomeone who has NO CLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aural_fixations: good. stop wasting them on yourself.
aural_fixations: you aren't able to hang with someone you disagree with.
aural_fixations: and i am.
toofresh2: if funny though, you wanted me to know everything about you but never asked what I did or anything, how do u know I dont have a job>? Your clueless seriosly and I actually wasted 15 minutes of my time typing to a DJ, with a girlfriend and with a house! LOL your a trip
aural_fixations: you've spent your time trying to go off on me. why would i want to know anything about you?
aural_fixations: you told me you have a gf and you love her... i didn't ask that...
toofresh2: exactly my point, your maybe an educated person who knows but hey, who cares, you just saidn it yourself, why?????????why?????????whould you care about what I do or what my relationship status is, that was my whole point of this chat conversation, I didnt care that you had a boyfriend and I didnt care that you were a DJ, those were things you came out and just told to a complete stranger who doesent even give a rip.......Im finished with you!@
aural_fixations: you keep asking me why i offered the information unasked. i do things like that. you went off on me for it... yet... you did the very same thing.
aural_fixations: how hypocritical.