cobra_cut: what are you trying to do to me
aural_fixations: oh, nothing at all... why?
cobra_cut: telling everyone im looking for naughty fun
aural_fixations: oh. that's what you said to me the other night.
cobra_cut: sure, to you
cobra_cut: not everyone in the room
cobra_cut: not cool
aural_fixations: oh. well, i published it all to my blog. they all read it anyway.
cobra_cut: blog?
aural_fixations: http://noctourna.blogspot.com
cobra_cut: why would you do that
aural_fixations: to show everyone the silly things people say to me.
cobra_cut: hmm, do you ever think about the people that are saying them
cobra_cut: and that they may not want you to do that
aural_fixations: why should i? if they're going to say silly things, i have they right to publish my conversations.
cobra_cut: no you dont,
aural_fixations: sure i do.
cobra_cut: nope
cobra_cut: thats not cool
aural_fixations: nobody said that all conversations must be kept private.
cobra_cut: if someone is getting ignorant then its cool, but i was being nice
aural_fixations: then you have nothing to worry about... do you.
cobra_cut: yes i do
cobra_cut: the fact that
cobra_cut: anyone who read that
cobra_cut: may not want to talk to me
cobra_cut: because of that
cobra_cut: and why , because i was being nice
cobra_cut: ???
cobra_cut: wtf
aural_fixations: oh. well. then you should think about the things you say to people.
cobra_cut: whatever
cobra_cut: fuck you
cobra_cut: piss off
cobra_cut: selfish ass
aural_fixations: if you were being nice... you wouldn't have to worry about people not wanting to talk to you about something you said.
aural_fixations: i'm going to post this also.
aural_fixations: have a nice day.
cobra_cut: do what you want, ill change my screename
aural_fixations: doesn't bother me any.
cobra_cut: but that shit is wrong
aural_fixations: doing things you worry about being exposed from is wrong.
cobra_cut: there are alot of things that are never said not to be done , but you just dont do them
cobra_cut: oh ok, your an idoit
cobra_cut: idiot
cobra_cut: oops
aural_fixations: sure. an idiot who makes money from doing this.
cobra_cut: doing what
aural_fixations: publishing maggots.
cobra_cut: ha,
cobra_cut: you dont make shit for money doing that
aural_fixations: every time someone accesses that page, i get paid.
cobra_cut: you dont get paid much
cobra_cut: so keep your weak ass job
cobra_cut: and your week ass paychecks
cobra_cut: and you know what
aural_fixations: no... not much... but still better than nothing. and... it's amusing.
cobra_cut: ill bet you wont even publish, everything i wrote
aural_fixations: and i get loads of fanmail every day. it's wonderful!
cobra_cut: only what you want people to hear
aural_fixations: nope. i publish it all.
cobra_cut: fanmail how cool are you
cobra_cut: your a comp nerd
aural_fixations: yes. i am a computer nerd. er... so?
cobra_cut: have fun with your boring ass life
aural_fixations: you too... mr "i try to get naughty fun on the net because i can't get it in real life".
cobra_cut: ha oh i get it
cobra_cut: im just always looking for more
cobra_cut: and more
cobra_cut: and more
aural_fixations: i'm sure you'll find it.
cobra_cut: cause ive got a problem
cobra_cut: and i do
aural_fixations: yes. it's called "herpesis desireous"
cobra_cut: but dont go , putting other peoples business out there for everyone
cobra_cut: thats just not right
aural_fixations: it's MY business.
cobra_cut: no its not
aural_fixations: tell me how it isn't my business.
cobra_cut: how do you figure
cobra_cut: im asking a question
cobra_cut: and you tell the whole world
cobra_cut: how is that your place to do so?
aural_fixations: no... i asked you to tell me how it isn't my business.
cobra_cut: see you cant answer it
aural_fixations: it's a conversation i have on my computer. that's how it's my business.
cobra_cut: thats some bullshit
aural_fixations: i did not solicit you for conversation. you messaged me.
cobra_cut: your bullshit
cobra_cut: and that shit will come back to you someday
aural_fixations: i didn't bait any of these people. they are stupid all on their own, without my help.
aural_fixations: it isn't any different than me telling my best friend "OMG.. know what that guy said to me?" in a bar.
cobra_cut: yes it is
cobra_cut: cause you only told one persone
cobra_cut: not the whole fucking world
aural_fixations: what if i tell 10 of my friends?
aural_fixations: 30?
aural_fixations: and some of my boyfriend's friends?
cobra_cut: you shouldnt be telling anyone
aural_fixations: if you don't want to be seen as a munch, don't talk to people like one.
cobra_cut: munch?
cobra_cut: loser
aural_fixations: an idiot. tool. maggot. loser... yes. a loser.
cobra_cut: no you are a loser
cobra_cut: dont ever use the word munch
cobra_cut: damn
aural_fixations: YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!
cobra_cut: yes i am
cobra_cut: and if you were here right now i would slap the shit out of you
aural_fixations: i'm bored with you now. i'm going to end this conversation, put you on ignore, and blog you.
cobra_cut: blog it up sister
aural_fixations: have a nice day, munch.
cobra_cut: ha
cobra_cut: later cunt
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