
Believe it. They really said it. Feel free to message these lovely brainiacs and harass them as you see fit.

Monday, November 10, 2003


cobra_cut: hockey fan? Blues fan?

aural_fixations: red wings.

cobra_cut: what?

cobra_cut: fucking RED WINGS

aural_fixations: yep.

cobra_cut: are you in st.louis

aural_fixations: yep


aural_fixations: yep

cobra_cut: you from detroit?

aural_fixations: nope

cobra_cut: then you obviosly jumped on the bandwagon

aural_fixations: do you drink busch beer?

cobra_cut: how the fuck are you a red wings fan ???

aural_fixations: it's been a 10 year bandwagon then...

aural_fixations: why should i not be a red wings fan?

cobra_cut: well because you in st.louis thats why

aural_fixations: i don't drink busch beer. and i live in st louis.

cobra_cut: what does busch have to do with st.louis

aural_fixations: anheuser busch.

cobra_cut: ok, do you drink any A B products

aural_fixations: you should only be allowed to drink AB products because you live in st louis.

aural_fixations: no. i don't.

aural_fixations: i don't even like beer. how about that? lol

cobra_cut: well , thats ok, nothing wrong with that

cobra_cut: but damn

cobra_cut: fuck the red wings

cobra_cut: they suck this year anyway

cobra_cut: enought about hockey , lol

cobra_cut: you up for any fun ?

aural_fixations: oh. well. if i were a bandwagon person... i'd say screw them. since i'm not... i'm liking them no matter how they're doing.

aural_fixations: fun?

cobra_cut: well you know naughty fun

cobra_cut: im really good at oral

aural_fixations: oh. yeah. i'm going to do that when my boyfriend gets here.

cobra_cut: pfffft, boyfriends get old

cobra_cut: same shit everyday, how boring

aural_fixations: then don't have one.

cobra_cut: well your loss

cobra_cut: GO BLUES

aural_fixations: GO WINGS... and hawks.

cobra_cut: ha ha

cobra_cut: what about the canucks

aural_fixations: chicago is where i'm from.

cobra_cut: oh, then ha ha at the cubs

aural_fixations: i don't like baseball.

aural_fixations: or football.

cobra_cut: really, me and you would really get along then

cobra_cut: too bad your hung up on one cock

aural_fixations: yeah. too bad.

cobra_cut: no really it is too bad

aural_fixations: yeah.

aural_fixations: too bad i'm not an infested slut.

cobra_cut: hollar when you get sick of it

cobra_cut: you dont have to be a slut

cobra_cut: open your mind

cobra_cut: peace


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