
Believe it. They really said it. Feel free to message these lovely brainiacs and harass them as you see fit.

Saturday, January 31, 2004

mysticman9836: Hi, can i see ur cam? i need sumthin cute to jerk off to...
aural_fixations: find a gerbil.

Friday, January 30, 2004


dippthong1: hi
aural_fixations: hi
dippthong1: do u work out
aural_fixations: no
dippthong1: r u muscular
aural_fixations: i guess.
dippthong1: cool
dippthong1: do u have a six pack
aural_fixations: in the fridge.
dippthong1: u know what i mean
dippthong1: do u
aural_fixations: nope
dippthong1: do u like to wrestle men for fun (not sex, just wrestle)
aural_fixations: no.
dippthong1: do u have a pic
aural_fixations: profile.
dippthong1: oh wow
dippthong1: cool
dippthong1: so u dont wanna wrestle me
aural_fixations: no
dippthong1: y not
aural_fixations: i'm not interested.
dippthong1: oh alright
dippthong1: bye then
aural_fixations: bye.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

deja goo

bicur_girl_in_mo: Hi...any interest in possibly having some fun with my boyfriend for me while he is working in st. louis tonight? I can explain more if you might want to
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Ok
bicur_girl_in_mo: interested maybe?
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Ok.
bicur_girl_in_mo: do you have a picture
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Well... what kind of fun did you have in mind?
bicur_girl_in_mo: well...I would like to find someone to have some fun with him...and well I am kind of thinking about maybe listening over the phone
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Ok. Does he have insurance? I don't cover hospital bills.
bicur_girl_in_mo: huh?
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Well, when I have fun, you know, I like to have FUN.
bicur_girl_in_mo: ok
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Lots of times guys aren't able to handle it.
bicur_girl_in_mo: please explain
bicur_girl_in_mo: I am curious
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Like with the last guy...
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: It was his birthday.
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: He wanted a present. I'm GREAT at presents.
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: He wanted a blow job.
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: So I gave him one.
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: I inserted a railroad spike into the head of his penis. Then I covered it with wax and a wick, and lit it. We sang happy birthday. I made him bend over and blow himself. That was a great present.
bicur_girl_in_mo: lol
bicur_girl_in_mo: a present for who?
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Him.
bicur_girl_in_mo: a spike into his penis?
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Yes.
bicur_girl_in_mo: I was thinkikng something fun
bicur_girl_in_mo: but not that extreme
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: That IS fun.
bicur_girl_in_mo: maybe just make him cum for you
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: I had to stop seeing him though.
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Oh. That wouldn't be fun for me.
bicur_girl_in_mo: well, what would you like?
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: I only have fun if there is blood and damage to the penis.
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: And I get paid a LOT of money.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

turnkey0000: dude your 29 and using a screan name from a fantacy movie doriangray24: yes? doriangray24: point? turnkey0000: LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! doriangray24: actually, it's from a turn of the century novel written by Oscar Wylde... if you could read, you may know this turnkey0000: all i know is i fucked your mom and Oscar Wylde can kiss my hairy ass faggot doriangray24: LOL you fuck fat bitches??
doriangray24: take you a while? turnkey0000: yes sir your mom called me her aerobics instructor and man i mean she was a tubby bitch doriangray24: dude, if you're gonna rip on someone, be prepared.... like bring more than 50% of your witt turnkey0000: nope turned it off and just came back on
turnkey0000: im never gonna win against a comic book geek who spent his adolesence reading a dictionary finding diferent things to make fun of people with doriangray24: yes, this is exactly what I do doriangray24: you bore me doriangray24: goodbye
turnkey0000: what the hell does it hurt me turnkey0000: I FUCKED YOUR TUBBY MOM I FUCKED YOUR TUBBY MOM NOW SHE HAS THE CLAP CAUSE I FUCKED YOUR TUBBY MOM doriangray24: well, at least we know who's spreading now turnkey0000: YEAH HER SPREADING MAYONASE ON HER CHEESEBURGER doriangray24: bet you love them burgers too dont you? turnkey0000: ONLY THE WAY THAT BITCH MAKES THEM
doriangray24: the size of your text is clearly indicative of an inferiority complex turnkey0000: NOPE ITS JUST THAT I HAVE A SMALL PENIS YOU STUPID FUCK
turnkey0000: but i could have one the size of a tree trunk and still not satisfy that hallway your mom calls a cunt turnkey0000: what you got to say to that you 400 lb still living at home with mother comic book reading snickers eat bed wetting faggot turnkey0000: eating* doriangray24: I have nothing to say that would top what you already said about yourself

turnkey0000: anyone else you stupid cock suckers
aural_fixations: ME!!! ME!!!!
turnkey0000: just try me
turnkey0000: pussy
aural_fixations: Turnkey... you only use baby insults. Cursing and name calling... your mama stuff... that's all training wheels.
turnkey0000: well then teach me oh great blow job queen
aural_fixations: You used a sexual reference in attempt to insult. Baby steps
turnkey0000: well the difference is that my shit ends up bothering people where the shit cultured fucks like you people use just goes right over my head
aural_fixations: When you are able to insult without cursing or name calling... or using sexual references... THEN you will be a worthy contestant on the Slam is Right.
turnkey0000: so pixie show me what you got
aural_fixations: You said yourself that you wouldn't be able to comprehend.
turnkey0000: notice that no one even starts with mr
aural_fixations: No. That's because we're FINISHED with you.
turnkey0000 left the room


hdewrock: how r u
aural_fixations: fine.
hdewrock: 24 male south county
hdewrock: your name is
hdewrock: mine is harold
aural_fixations: I know. We've talked.
hdewrock: kool
hdewrock: u got a pic
hdewrock: u up early huh
aural_fixations: I have a boyfriend.
hdewrock: oh
hdewrock: i have gf too
aural_fixations: I know.
hdewrock: u know me
aural_fixations: I said we've talked before.
hdewrock: ok
hdewrock: can i see a pic
aural_fixations: Profile.
hdewrock: so u dont see other ppl
aural_fixations: NO
aural_fixations: If I wanted to do that, I'd be single.
aural_fixations: That's what I tell you EVERY time you PM me.
hdewrock: im sorry i will leave u alone

Monday, January 19, 2004


bicuriouslisa2000: hi
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: hi.
bicuriouslisa2000: im lisa
bicuriouslisa2000: 31/f/st.louis
bicuriouslisa2000: bi curious here
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: I'm straight.
bicuriouslisa2000: ok
bicuriouslisa2000: im actually looking for another female to join me and my b/f for a 3sum
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Good luck.


fisherone15: hi
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: hi
fisherone15: whats up
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: chatting
fisherone15: you have pic
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: nah
fisherone15: cam
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: nah
fisherone15: what do you look like
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Like I have a boyfriend.
fisherone15: so what just want too eat your pusy punk
fisherone15: pussy
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: No.


sachin075in: hi
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: hi
sachin075in: hi
sachin075in: asl
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: 31
sachin075in: m/f
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Are you serious?
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: What do you think?
sachin075in: what?
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: With a screen name like this.... WHAT do you think?
sachin075in: u r funny
sachin075in: u american r mother fucker
sachin075in: u dont know how to respect othere
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Go away.
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: I ONLY respect smart people.
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: You aren't even smart enough to figure out if I'm a guy or a girl.
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: You didn't even read my profile before you messaged me.
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Instead, you bother me with questions that are answered in my profile.
sachin075in: no i dont have a time
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Then you don't "have a time" to chat.
sachin075in: sorry ok
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: So leave me alone.


hdewrock: hello
hdewrock: u busy
hdewrock: 24 ,male south county
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: hi.
hdewrock: \how r ya
hdewrock: me just bored
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: fine.
hdewrock: so u live near me
hdewrock: thats good
hdewrock: so what u up to todayhdewrock: cold out huh
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: I don't know. I haven't been out.
hdewrock: can i see your cam or a pic i gotta cam to
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: We've talked before.
hdewrock: yes
hdewrock: u remember
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Yes. I remember. Otherwise I wouldn't have said "we've talked before."
hdewrock: good
hdewrock: how u been
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: fine
hdewrock: goodc
hdewrock: can i see a pic
hdewrock: damn u r a cutie
hdewrock: and u live round here
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: I have a boyfriend.
hdewrock: oh
hdewrock: i have gf
hdewrock: guess u probably dont keep secrets huh
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: Why would you mess around?
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: I mean... break up with her if you want to do that.
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: I'm the kind of person who would get to know you, just so that I could tell your girlfriend.
hdewrock: just been together for a long time u know
hdewrock: u ever see other ppl
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: No.
hdewrock: ok
hdewrock: sorry
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: If I wanted to see other people, I'd break up with him and spend my energy on the other people... not on trying to "keep secrets".
hdewrock: sorry
hdewrock: thought u look good
hdewrock: hes pretty lucky to have nu
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: I know.
hdewrock: i will quit bothering u now i can see im pissing u off
hdewrock: sorry

What the hell kind of conversation is this???

wewillbeable: hi
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: hi
wewillbeable: ho wrae you ?
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: fine.
wewillbeable: boobs
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: bye.
wewillbeable: bye


dwbaseball2000: good profile
aural_fixations: thanks.
dwbaseball2000: so what are you up to today
aural_fixations: going back to bed soon.
dwbaseball2000: really
dwbaseball2000: sounds like a plan
dwbaseball2000: so what do you do
aural_fixations: i don't work.
dwbaseball2000: how old
aural_fixations: 31
aural_fixations: i thought you read my profile.
dwbaseball2000: so what do you do for money
dwbaseball2000: i did
aural_fixations: I am taken care of.
dwbaseball2000: i see
dwbaseball2000: so you are involved i guess
aural_fixations: I thought you read my profile.
dwbaseball2000: it says long term relationship
aural_fixations: It says my age. That I don't work. And that I'm in a relationship.
dwbaseball2000: well sorry
aural_fixations: I just don't understand why you're saying things that are obvioulsy in my profile.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

kjm52003: 25/m/st.louis
kjm52003: with cam and pic on my profile
kjm52003: whats up
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: my name is supposed to be taped to your monitor to remind you to not PM me.
ice_cold_miss_prissy_prude: DO IT.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

kjm52003: 25/m/st.louis
kjm52003: with cam and pic
kjm52003: whats up
kjm52003: do u have a cam
aural_fixations: where is your sign i told you to tape to your monitor, to remind you not to pm me?

Friday, January 16, 2004


This is OBVIOUSLY a man.

aural_fixations: what.
girrl_on_cam: we look so much alike
girrl_on_cam: come see my cam
girrl_on_cam: only the face though
aural_fixations: no thanks.
girrl_on_cam: i think i am hotter though
girrl_on_cam: lol
girrl_on_cam: sorry don mean it in a bad way
aural_fixations: I don't care.
girrl_on_cam: but u got really small titties from what i see here
aural_fixations: I don't care.
aural_fixations: You can't see a thing.
aural_fixations: it only shows the top of my shirt.
girrl_on_cam: yes i can tell
aural_fixations: go away and bug someone else.
aural_fixations: You're an idiot.
aural_fixations: Leave.
girrl_on_cam: not bugging u
girrl_on_cam: just telling
aural_fixations: Yes, you are annoying me.
girrl_on_cam: u
aural_fixations: Your opinion doesn't matter to me.
girrl_on_cam: cause i told u the truth?
aural_fixations: I don't care what you think about me.
aural_fixations: go away.
girrl_on_cam: well if u r so sure of yourself
girrl_on_cam: tell me
girrl_on_cam: waz your size
aural_fixations: No.
girrl_on_cam: yep
aural_fixations: I don't talk about such things.
girrl_on_cam: way too tiny
aural_fixations: *I* am a lady.
aural_fixations: I don't talk about things like that.
girrl_on_cam: ofcourse how dare u talk about these things when yours r so tiny
aural_fixations: Your brain is what is tiny.
girrl_on_cam: people like to give weird excuses
girrl_on_cam: lady
girrl_on_cam: lol
aural_fixations: I will not fall for your psychological attempts.
girrl_on_cam: is that what your mom told u
girrl_on_cam: u r a lady
girrl_on_cam: thats funny
aural_fixations: You are way less classy, and way less intelligent for me to waste my time any longer.
aural_fixations: *ignore*

A very nice guy told me about this site. Little berty boy got upset. Now I'm on another "cam whore" list.

What little maggot doesn't realize, is that boys are going to get pissed off at HIM when they figure out that I don't show. Bye Bye Berty.


_o_bert_o_x: hi

x_o_bert_o_x: how are you

x_o_bert_o_x: are you going tio talk to me

aural_fixations: yeah.. kina busy

x_o_bert_o_x: ok well i just want to tell you something..............when you let me in your cam i just went threw yoru cam port and ui am about to instal a bunch of virus on your mother board and you wotn be on long when i do it unless you do what i say

aural_fixations: you're retarded.

x_o_bert_o_x: no i am not

aural_fixations: shoo.

aural_fixations: I dont' have time for weirdos.

x_o_bert_o_x: well if oyu iggy me or not talk to me i am goignto star sending oyu virus

aural_fixations: that's fine.

aural_fixations: It's funny that you have to threaten people to get them to talk to you.

aural_fixations: Are you that socially inept?

x_o_bert_o_x: nope just i just waannsee oyu do somethignon cam

aural_fixations: oh. too bad.

aural_fixations: I don't show.

aural_fixations: find someone else.

x_o_bert_o_x: well then you will have pc problems

aural_fixations: you'll see nothing here.

aural_fixations: I'm a computer tech.,

aural_fixations: throw anything at me you want.

aural_fixations: I can fix it... or rebuild myself another computer.

aural_fixations: all your stuff does is... annoy.

aural_fixations: not destruct.

x_o_bert_o_x: MaGiC bOoTeR v 4 By:MaGiC_666_

x_o_bert_o_x: GeT IT AT

x_o_bert_o_x: bitch you went bye bye

aural_fixations: no. i didn't.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

beavis_butthead93: you wearing hott panties?
aural_fixations: They are room temperature.
beavis_butthead93: lol
beavis_butthead93: but room temp can be hott
aural_fixations: Why do you spell "hot" with two Ts?
beavis_butthead93: habbit
beavis_butthead93: lol
aural_fixations: I see.
beavis_butthead93: so i cant spell
beavis_butthead93: well atleast what color are they?
aural_fixations: crust.
beavis_butthead93: ?
aural_fixations: Crust. The color of crust.
beavis_butthead93: tan?
aural_fixations: Crust.
aural_fixations: Sometimes, crust can be white. Or yellow. Like dried pus.
beavis_butthead93: lol

killer_for_your_eyes: hi
aural_fixations: shoo.
killer_for_your_eyes: evry day when am see you i have big hope
killer_for_your_eyes: i dont know why
killer_for_your_eyes: I know you have boy friend
killer_for_your_eyes: and I know he have alot of money
killer_for_your_eyes: bout am have just my heart
killer_for_your_eyes: and my words
killer_for_your_eyes: how am miss you
killer_for_your_eyes: i know you didnt feel good whith this words
killer_for_your_eyes: bout am happy to see your face
killer_for_your_eyes: bye


fixations_aural: some how we are alike!
aural_fixations: I doubt it.
fixations_aural: u doubt ,for what?
aural_fixations: leave me alone, Daniel.
fixations_aural: hey why u wanna me to leave u alon,do u have a reason or 2 and who is this daniel?
aural_fixations: You annoy me.
aural_fixations: You and your disability to spell, form complete words, complete sentences and complete thoughts.
fixations_aural: so u have the habit of maintaining the public dairy on web.that is the good habit...even i have the habit of maintain the dairy about the things i do every day
aural_fixations: You annoy me by changing screen names all the time and messaging me like I don't know who you are.
fixations_aural: hey i ma not daniel.excuse me for that .
aural_fixations: I have your IP.
fixations_aural: well i am not daniel..ok.and i dont change my screen names
aural_fixations: Goodbye, Daniel.

touch_jenny: hello
aural_fixations: hi.
touch_jenny: how are u doing?
aural_fixations: fine
touch_jenny: ok
touch_jenny: are u male or female?
touch_jenny: u know who jenny is
touch_jenny: jenny is my sister and i really and obsessed about her physically
aural_fixations: ok.
touch_jenny: hey tell me is it bad to think about ur sister like that
touch_jenny: just be true
aural_fixations: I'm not God.
touch_jenny: but u can tell me ur view point
touch_jenny: just tell me waht u think?
aural_fixations: No.
touch_jenny: no for what?
aural_fixations: My opinion doesn't matter.
touch_jenny: ok it does not matter ,i know but atleast u can tell me
aural_fixations: If you are asking if its wrong... you already know the answer.
touch_jenny: hey for me if it is wrong it wontmake any diff but i am just asking ya
touch_jenny: i think u wont loose anything if u will tell me
aural_fixations: Go bother someone else.
touch_jenny: huh
touch_jenny: i was justa sking u something
touch_jenny: why dont u care to answer me u dad fucker
aural_fixations: No need to get a foul mouth.
aural_fixations: I don't CARE about you. I don't care about your sister.
aural_fixations: I care about you leaving me alone.
touch_jenny: care about ur dad's dick
touch_jenny: lol
aural_fixations: You are retarded.
aural_fixations: Begone with you.
touch_jenny: i know u would like to give him ur head
aural_fixations: Shoo.
touch_jenny: lol
touch_jenny: give ur dad ur head
aural_fixations: People who talk about incest... have no penis.
touch_jenny: he would like that mouth of urs on his shaft
aural_fixations: I don't have a father.
aural_fixations: Just like you don't have a penis.
touch_jenny: well i gotta really big one ,better then ur dad
touch_jenny: well okie u donthave a father ,thatmeans ur mom was being fucked up my an strager and that result in ur birth
touch_jenny: \that is interesting
aural_fixations: Ok. I'm bored with you. You haven't the intelligence to hold my interest.
touch_jenny: so ur mom was also a bitch
aural_fixations: I'm going to blog you. And then put you on ignore.
aural_fixations: Bye.

timkertrain: Hey cutie Pie
timkertrain: Let me taste your Pussy
aural_fixations: He doesn't like to be tasted. He will scratch you.
timkertrain: I Love you Darling
timkertrain: You are so Cute I wish to Lick your Pussy
aural_fixations: I don't think you understand. My CAT doesn't like to be licked.
timkertrain: I wish to have your Cute Pussy in my mouth
aural_fixations: He does it himself.
timkertrain: I wana Lick your Pussy
aural_fixations: Its a boy.
timkertrain: how about you
timkertrain: Will you let me Lick you
aural_fixations: No. That's gross.
timkertrain: i wana Suck your Clit
aural_fixations: I don't have one.
timkertrain: i wana taste your wet clit
aural_fixations: I don't have one.
aural_fixations: I have a penis.
timkertrain: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
timkertrain: so you take Penis in Mouth
aural_fixations: It's made of cement.
timkertrain: so you have Penis in your Mouth
aural_fixations: I don't have a mouth.
timkertrain: Put in your ASS
aural_fixations: I don't have an ass.
timkertrain: you satnd up
aural_fixations: I would, except I don't have legs.
timkertrain: Put your cm down
aural_fixations: I don't have a cam.
timkertrain: Lower your cam
aural_fixations: I don't have a cam.
timkertrain: if i ever get you I will Eat your Pussy
aural_fixations: I don't have a cat. He died. We buried him in concrete.
timkertrain: I will Eat out your Clit
aural_fixations: I don't have a clit.
aural_fixations: Do you have ADHD?
timkertrain: I have Cock
timkertrain: wana suck my Cock
aural_fixations: You lie.
aural_fixations: You don't have cock.
timkertrain: I have Penis
aural_fixations: Does it taste like chicken?
timkertrain: Do you wana Suck my Penis
aural_fixations: You don't have a penis.
timkertrain: you have tasted it
aural_fixations: No. I wish I could. But you don't have one.
timkertrain: Dont lie
aural_fixations: I don't see a penis.
timkertrain: You Sucked my Penis
aural_fixations: You aren't even in the US.
timkertrain: You took my Penis in your Mouth
aural_fixations: Where are you from? Pakistan? Iran? Egypt?
aural_fixations: I don't have a mouth.
timkertrain: you came to New Zealand
aural_fixations: New Zealand? What is that?
timkertrain: its a Beautiful Country
aural_fixations: Never heard of it. Only the United States is beautiful.
timkertrain: US is getting Fucked now a Days
aural_fixations: Oh wait... sheep... THAT New Zealand? The one with the sheep?
timkertrain: Arab People is fucking US Army Laies
aural_fixations: I think I hear your sheep calling. They are ready to go again.
timkertrain: They are Killing US Mens & Fucking US Womens
aural_fixations: Do you "baa" back to your sheep? Its a mating call you know.
timkertrain: You wana Get Fucked with Sheep
aural_fixations: Oh no. I want to humiliate you some more.
timkertrain: The Sheep will Blow your Whole Pussy to Big Bore
aural_fixations: You don't understand.
aural_fixations: I don't have a cat.
timkertrain: Pussy means your Vagina
aural_fixations: Oh.
aural_fixations: I don't have one.
aural_fixations: I have a penis.
timkertrain: Then Who Blowed your Pussy
aural_fixations: Nobody. I don't have a cat.
timkertrain: May be Arabic People
timkertrain: may be Camel
timkertrain: Did Camel Fucked you
aural_fixations: Can you make noises like a camel? That turns me on.
timkertrain: you have been with Camel so you know how to make noise of Cmel
aural_fixations: Yes.
aural_fixations: Make a noise like a camel for me.
timkertrain: I dont know , i was not with Camel
timkertrain: you have been with Camel
timkertrain: So Camel Blowed your Pussy
timkertrain: So you are with out Pusssy
aural_fixations: I don't have a cat.
timkertrain: Now you are No : 9
aural_fixations: what??
timkertrain: Not a man Nor a Women
aural_fixations: Oh. I have a penis.
timkertrain: I agreed with you
timkertrain: bye sweety
timkertrain: will chat again tomorrow same time
timkertrain: bye for now
aural_fixations: No. You won't chat again.
timkertrain: can i see the camel near to you
aural_fixations: I'm blogging you, then putting you on ignore.
timkertrain: Let me view how Camel is Fucking you
aural_fixations: No. You're going into the maggot hall of fame.
timkertrain: No 9
aural_fixations: Only hot men with BIG penises can view me.
timkertrain: So you Like Camel Very Much
aural_fixations: Goodbye, Mr No-Penis.
timkertrain: Camel has very Big Penis
aural_fixations: Are you a camel?
timkertrain: Camel will Blow out your Pussy
aural_fixations: How do YOU know a camel has a big penis?
timkertrain: Hey No: 9
aural_fixations: I knew you banged a camel. I just knew it.
timkertrain: you told me you like Big Penis
aural_fixations: Yeah. And you don't have one.
timkertrain: you told me you have been with Came
aural_fixations: You told me you love camel penis.
timkertrain: you Like camel Penis
timkertrain: I am with Human Penis
aural_fixations: You are a liar.
aural_fixations: Liar liar pants on fire.
timkertrain: may be you Like Donkeys also
aural_fixations: You don't have a penis.
timkertrain: go for Donkeys also
aural_fixations: You don't have a penis.
timkertrain: They match for you
timkertrain: I have thats why you are in this world
timkertrain: With out me there is no exists for you
aural_fixations: You have no penis.
timkertrain: Go for Donkeys also
timkertrain: Donkeys may be waiting for you
timkertrain: You Look like some what similar to their Category
aural_fixations: You have no penis.
timkertrain: Go & Suck Doney Penis
aural_fixations: You have no penis.
timkertrain: it will Penetrate in your whole Body
timkertrain: With my Penis only I made you
aural_fixations: You have no penis.
timkertrain: you are Product of my Penis
aural_fixations: You have no penis.
timkertrain: you are Product of my Penis
timkertrain: you are Product of my Penis
timkertrain: you are Product of my Penis
timkertrain: you are Product of my Penis
timkertrain: you are Product of my Penis
timkertrain: you are Product of my Penis
timkertrain: you are Product of my Penis
aural_fixations: I'm bored with you again. *ignore*


timkertrain: Will you Give your Pussy in my mouth
aural_fixations: He doesn't like to get wet.
aural_fixations: Do you have cotton mouth?

lock_haven_dude: do you wear thongs or panties
aural_fixations: Go away.


tom_cam2000: hi sexy lady
aural_fixations: hi
tom_cam2000: how are you?
tom_cam2000: u looks sexy
aural_fixations: fine. thanks.
tom_cam2000: do u have a bf?
aural_fixations: yes.
tom_cam2000: do u like thongs?
aural_fixations: it says that in my automated reply, and in my profile.
aural_fixations: shouldn't be surprised.
aural_fixations: thongs.
tom_cam2000: ok
aural_fixations: I'm not going to talk about underwear.
tom_cam2000: ok
tom_cam2000: sex?
aural_fixations: I'm not going to talk about sex.
tom_cam2000: may I see your bra?
aural_fixations: I don't show.
tom_cam2000: are u wearing a bra?
aural_fixations: I'm not talking about underwear.
tom_cam2000: what are yout alking about?
aural_fixations: Nothing.


woodywoody_4: hey how are you
aural_fixations: fine
woodywoody_4: wow, i got an eyeful when i IM ed you
aural_fixations: it happens.
woodywoody_4: Jenna like the name
aural_fixations: Thanks.
woodywoody_4: are ya busy
aural_fixations: not really
woodywoody_4: so what do ya look like
aural_fixations: That's always an awkward question.
woodywoody_4: why
aural_fixations: I don't post a photo on my profile.
aural_fixations: I guess I feel it doesn't matter what I look like.
woodywoody_4: just curious
aural_fixations: A chick. With some skin and some hair. Couple of eyes. Nothing weird, really.
woodywoody_4: LOL, well thats what I am looking for. Lets meet
woodywoody_4: LOL
aural_fixations: I look exactly like a chick who has a boyfriend.
woodywoody_4: im better
aural_fixations: Nobody is better.
woodywoody_4: try me
aural_fixations: I would never try a guy who doesn't respect other people's relationships.
woodywoody_4: you would love it
aural_fixations: I would love if you left me alone now. I am not interested. Thank you. Goodbye.
woodywoody_4: *** you
aural_fixations: Classy.
aural_fixations: You need to take rejection classes. I've been nothing but polite.
woodywoody_4: **** you
aural_fixations: What a vocabulary you have. I see that I am quite correct that you are a loser that is beneath me. I'm putting you on ignore now. Goodbye. *click*

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

I created a link to my babble blog. It will contain random things like, links and rants. You can access that from the "Links" section on this page, or

I need to keep this one dedicated to the maggots.



Nothing like death threats from an Israeli.

killer_for_your_eyes: you are realy wont one to kill you
killer_for_your_eyes: and am wont that alot
aural_fixations: WHAT?
killer_for_your_eyes: am lik to kill woman lik you
aural_fixations: English. Complete sentences. Subject. Verb. Predicate.
aural_fixations: Oh just shut up and go away.


rohitnikale: hi
rohitnikale: wanna chat
aural_fixations: If I wanted to chat, I would have answered you the first few times you messaged me, and wouldn't have booted you from watching my cam.
rohitnikale: please i am sorry for that
rohitnikale: please let me see u
rohitnikale: pls
rohitnikale: pls
rohitnikale: pls
rohitnikale: pls
aural_fixations: No.
rohitnikale: pls
rohitnikale: sorry
rohitnikale: sorry
rohitnikale: sorry
rohitnikale: sorry
rohitnikale: sorry
rohitnikale: sorry
rohitnikale: sorry
aural_fixations: I turned it off. I'm annoyed.
rohitnikale: sorry
aural_fixations: Go away.
rohitnikale: sorry
rohitnikale: sorry
rohitnikale: sorry
rohitnikale: sorry
rohitnikale: sorry
rohitnikale: sorry
rohitnikale: sorry
rohitnikale: sorry

Poor little dolt won't go away. Now he's come crawling back, pleading that I speak with him.
No. I won't. He's a moron.

dont_ignore_me_swatipaul: hello againa nd plz dont get annoyed
dont_ignore_me_swatipaul: now we will talk nicely and something different
dont_ignore_me_swatipaul: u wont post ur and my conversation in ut MAGGOTS coz u know people will laugh at u ahd laugh and have pity on u
dont_ignore_me_swatipaul: bye


icp_crazy2002: Are you sure about that? I seem to have seen you show before
aural_fixations: never.
icp_crazy2002: Are you positive? I think I can send you to a site with your pics
aural_fixations: go ahead. i know i have never, and never will.

This man is very stupid. His goat won't even let him blow it. This man is beneath me. Nevermind the WHOLE stupid conversation that lasted way too long. You know it has to have been THAT bad if I won't even post him here. Just annoy and harass this guy:

dont_ignore_me_swatipaul: u seems to be as if u are pessimist



Monday, January 12, 2004

Not maggot related, but sure funny! (If you like satire... and know anything about Lord of the Rings.)

~*~ Secret Diaries ~*~

I thought this was interesting. There is this website that lists some "cam whores". I'm on it. One of us needs to re-evaluate our definition of a "whore".. because if I am one... I really suck at it. Er... maybe i should't have said that word. I'm really BAD at it.

cooljediiscool: immortals inc labled u as a cam whore
aural_fixations: That's kinda funny
aural_fixations: what's the site?
There you go immortals. Have some traffic on me. ;)


blu2000rtdakota: you still with your BF?
aural_fixations: of course.
blu2000rtdakota: that blows
aural_fixations: Not for us.
blu2000rtdakota: how come he's never on with you?
aural_fixations: right now he's at the chiropractor.
aural_fixations: usually he's playing his computer game when i'm online.
blu2000rtdakota: why dont you ever play with him on cam!?
blu2000rtdakota: like give him head
aural_fixations: Why would I??
blu2000rtdakota: cause its fun to be watched!!!
aural_fixations: No, it isn't.
aural_fixations: Its fun to keep it private.
blu2000rtdakota: but its fun the other way too
aural_fixations: Not to me.
aural_fixations: PRIVACY is the key.
aural_fixations: I wouldn't have it any other way, and I would NEVER date someone who doesn't agree.
blu2000rtdakota: we all get to see him cum all over your face!!,unless you swallow!
aural_fixations: Ok.
aural_fixations: Dont message me again.
aural_fixations: I don't like the way you talk to me.
blu2000rtdakota: didnt mean anything by it
blu2000rtdakota: i mean everyone has sex!! sorry youre not able to talk about it
aural_fixations: I don't want any sexual talk.
aural_fixations: I AM able to talk about it. Privately. With my boyfriend.
aural_fixations: Not share it with random internet horndogs.
blu2000rtdakota: what fun is that
aural_fixations: If that's what you want... go elsewhere.
blu2000rtdakota: oh i do
blu2000rtdakota: i know you dont show
aural_fixations: Then go.
blu2000rtdakota: i sure would like to see you give head though!
aural_fixations: I am now putting you on ignore.

tlwhiteboyluv69: what do you care for
aural_fixations: hm. my son. my boyfriend. food. clothes.
stlwhiteboyluv69: do you think you are all that
aural_fixations: I'm just the bag of chips.
stlwhiteboyluv69: that fragile
aural_fixations: Sure.
stlwhiteboyluv69: i will be tender
aural_fixations: With someone else.
stlwhiteboyluv69: so what are you all about
aural_fixations: my son. my boyfriend. food. clothes.

jason636282000: boo
jason636282000: hahaha
aural_fixations: shoo.
jason636282000: lmao
jason636282000: hey i was just living the room up k
aural_fixations: *swat*... shoo.
jason636282000: i also know you didnt show no tits lmao
aural_fixations: shoo.
jason636282000: lmao

pimp200020022003: show me ur tits and i will show u my 11in dick!!!
aural_fixations: Show me your brain splattered on the sidewalk and I will show you me being happy.
pimp200020022003: thats dum u fucking bitch

Sunday, January 11, 2004

gohalvin2001: hi lady i'm a young guy have u c my dick hanging around my cam i bet no am i right now u going 2 c me live on cam chewing my cum n eat it free viewing my cam

hotguyfromstpeters's Yahoo! Profile

Harass this boy. Show no mercy. Oh. And don't look at the profile if you don't want to see a wang.

He has decided that he is a police officer with St. Charles County, in Missouri. What a fine, upstanding officer he must be, to go showing his WANG like that. I might also add, that he states that he is 19 in this profile. Hm. He was a 24 year old "detective" before. How bitter he gets when he is turned down. Poor poor little wang-slanger. This "cop" has decided that he will "bust" me. Though, he can't make up his mind. At first, he wanted to bust me for "prostitution". I think he knows he has nothing to go on. Then it was for running a "scam"... since I tell submissives to give me money. Let me ask you, "Officer"... is it a scam, really, if I am not misleading them in any way, and they are giving me gifts from their own free will? LMAO. Try again.


Friday, January 09, 2004


peedrinker9: hi
aural_fixations: hi.
peedrinker9: where i should be if i am a toilet?
peedrinker9: schools or malls or house
aural_fixations: away from me.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004


brasilguy74: so how are you
aural_fixations: fine
brasilguy74: good
brasilguy74: and do you still have your boyfriend
brasilguy74: or are you alone
aural_fixations: I still have him.
brasilguy74: ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
brasilguy74: so why you don't like all those things that you show on your automated reply
brasilguy74: you are so cute and cool , do u have a open mind insted
aural_fixations: ?
brasilguy74: do u have a open mind?
aural_fixations: What do you mean.
brasilguy74: do u like to talk shit sometimes
brasilguy74: ?
aural_fixations: What are you talking about?
brasilguy74: do u like to talk about sex, game,etc
aural_fixations: No.
brasilguy74: may i ask you osmetnig plz?
aural_fixations: Not if its sexual.
brasilguy74: how old are you
aural_fixations: 31
brasilguy74: 31 and you are so restrit like that
brasilguy74: you should be more open mind
aural_fixations: You should respect how other people are.
brasilguy74: i do
aural_fixations: Not if you're telling me I should be some other way.
brasilguy74: so can i ask something
aural_fixations: Sex is private and I DONT discuss it with someone who is not my boyfriend.
brasilguy74: i understand that but if you are alone would you ?
aural_fixations: No.
aural_fixations: It is none of your business
brasilguy74: lol
brasilguy74: sorry
brasilguy74: lets change ok
brasilguy74: can i ask you something
aural_fixations: What.
brasilguy74: can u stand for me just a little bit for i can see your body plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
aural_fixations: no
brasilguy74: girl you are so bored ...sorry but i don't wanna chat with you and i can't understand how your boyfriend can understand you
aural_fixations: Bye
brasilguy74: sorry girl but i need to tell you the that
aural_fixations: I said "bye".
brasilguy74: bye beautiful
aural_fixations: That means leave.
brasilguy74: this is for ok
aural_fixations: i don't want it.
brasilguy74: i know
brasilguy74: bye
brasilguy74: sorrry to say that to you but you realy need to know
aural_fixations: stop talking now.
brasilguy74: byr and take care yourself
brasilguy74: lol
brasilguy74: ok
aural_fixations: I don't care what you think of me.
brasilguy74: sorry
brasilguy74: bye

candyman2003692003: hello
candyman2003692003: cunt
aural_fixations: well that's a fine howdoyoudo.
candyman2003692003: see i got through to u lol
aural_fixations: It clearly states that I will talk if I am not busy.
candyman2003692003: do u show
aural_fixations: no
aural_fixations: it clearly states that as well.
candyman2003692003: bye cunt
aural_fixations: Goodbye, maggot.

tipsyheadman: why won't this thing let me view your profile ?
aural_fixations: i don't know.
tipsyheadman: so why can't I view your profile
aural_fixations: i don't know.
aural_fixations: i'm not yahoo tech support.


autoteknmo: hi
aural_fixations: hi
autoteknmo: 36m
aural_fixations: cool
autoteknmo: st charles you
aural_fixations: stl
autoteknmo: still have bf
aural_fixations: yes
autoteknmo: lol
autoteknmo: dammit
autoteknmo: still dont show either
aural_fixations: nope
aural_fixations: I never will.
autoteknmo: why
aural_fixations: My private parts are... private.
autoteknmo: ok
autoteknmo: your embarrassed
aural_fixations: No.
autoteknmo: its ok
aural_fixations: I simply don't think it's the world's business to see what is private.
autoteknmo: small boobs huh...
aural_fixations: now you're being stupid.
aural_fixations: You aren't going to bait me with that psychology.
autoteknmo: no
autoteknmo: i just know their small
aural_fixations: goodbye.

stlmysterymale: I think it's time for us to meet offline and engage in sex. Your thoughts?
aural_fixations: I think its time you drove a railroad spike through the head of your weiner.


vicky6932003: hey!!
aural_fixations: what
vicky6932003: what wot??
vicky6932003: looks like busy with all those PM's??
aural_fixations: I'm not busy.
vicky6932003: oh ok
vicky6932003: all play and no work??
aural_fixations: I don't work
vicky6932003: good for you--
vicky6932003: little princess??
aural_fixations: Yes.
vicky6932003: great---
vicky6932003: care for some donation??
vicky6932003: say $18 million??
aural_fixations: sure.
vicky6932003: Thx---send it to LALA LAND!!
vicky6932003: felling rich already!!
vicky6932003: and headstrong too!!
aural_fixations: ok. well... bye.
vicky6932003: well--bye

a_thick_8_inches_4_u_il: 6', 185, brown hair, blue eyes and 8 inches that is 6 inches around
aural_fixations: so?
a_thick_8_inches_4_u_il: never mind

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

stlmalehotlips: what can i do for you?
aural_fixations: Buy me a car.
stlmalehotlips: that will cost in favors lol
aural_fixations: You didn't say anything about that.
stlmalehotlips: lol, why dont your bf buy you a car
aural_fixations: He already did.
aural_fixations: I want another one.
stlmalehotlips: if you were my gf i would by you two
aural_fixations: That's sweet.
stlmalehotlips: do you have a single sister
aural_fixations: I have a married sister and 4 single brothers.
stlmalehotlips: maybe you should reconsider a mate, i love your smile
stlmalehotlips: beautiful dark eyes
aural_fixations: I already have the mate I want.
aural_fixations: Thank you.
stlmalehotlips: does he spoil you
aural_fixations: definitely
stlmalehotlips: your worth it i bet
aural_fixations: I'd like to think I am.
stlmalehotlips: maybe you could set me up with a friend
stlmalehotlips: where in stlouis are you from
aural_fixations: All my friends are married, or male. I doubt you're into married chicks.
aural_fixations: south county
stlmalehotlips: im cool with married chicks if they are
stlmalehotlips: im in south stlouis city
aural_fixations: whoa.
stlmalehotlips: i dont talk
aural_fixations: I couldn't do that.
stlmalehotlips: you can do anything you want, and anything you want with me.
aural_fixations: I want not to do something like that. lol
stlmalehotlips: you could let me give you oral pleasure
aural_fixations: I have a boyfriend. I'm not really into oral anyway.
stlmalehotlips: let me worship your feet and suck your toes, thats innocent lol
stlmalehotlips: show me your feet on cam im crazy about womens feet
aural_fixations: Oh.
aural_fixations: I get paid for that kinda cam.
stlmalehotlips: come on its innocent, why not show your cute toes off
aural_fixations: Because why do it for free, when I get paid by my submissives?
stlmalehotlips: ill pay you if you let me lick your pussy and suck your toes
aural_fixations: No.
aural_fixations: I'm not going to cheat on my boyfriend.
stlmalehotlips: you wont be doing anything , i will
aural_fixations: I will not allow any cheating.
aural_fixations: I am not interested.
stlmalehotlips: how about if you just spit on me, is that cheating
aural_fixations: I won't meet to be close enough to spit on you. lol
aural_fixations: Besides, spitting is yucky. I don't do that.
stlmalehotlips: you can pee on me
aural_fixations: I'm not interested.
aural_fixations: Are you a salesman?
stlmalehotlips: are you a prune
aural_fixations: Prude.
aural_fixations: Yes.
stlmalehotlips: you need to see my big cock
aural_fixations: I'm not interested.

Monday, January 05, 2004


feed0_deed0: hey
aural_fixations: hi
feed0_deed0: m/16/tx ,, you ?
aural_fixations: 31
feed0_deed0: you kidding
aural_fixations: no
feed0_deed0: u look 18
aural_fixations: thanks
feed0_deed0: can i cam for you
feed0_deed0: cum
aural_fixations: NO
feed0_deed0: why not
aural_fixations: 1- that's stupid.
aural_fixations: 2- you're underage.
feed0_deed0: damn underage ,,, when u see my cock you will change your mind
aural_fixations: Do you think talking like that turns a lady on?
feed0_deed0: no what turn you on then
aural_fixations: a GENTLEMAN who doesn't talk about anything sexual.
aural_fixations: someone smart.
feed0_deed0: if u were 15 I might turn you on
feed0_deed0: hey and I am smart
feed0_deed0: mom told me so
aural_fixations: You're going to have to go away now. I'm not interested.
feed0_deed0: can you at least look t my cock
aural_fixations: No.
feed0_deed0: how many guys you fucked in your life
aural_fixations: None of your business.
aural_fixations: I don't talk about sex.
aural_fixations: I don't appreciate a foul mouth.
aural_fixations: Now leave.
feed0_deed0: ok bye

Sunday, January 04, 2004

adilbrohi4u: breest
adilbrohi4u: shwo your vagina
adilbrohi4u: shwo your vagina
adilbrohi4u: breest and vagina
**boots him from cam**
aural_fixations: Don't talk to me. I don't show. Go away.
adilbrohi4u: ok
adilbrohi4u: invite me
adilbrohi4u: cam
aural_fixations: no
adilbrohi4u: plzzzzzzz
aural_fixations: no
adilbrohi4u: plzzzzzzzzzz
aural_fixations: no
adilbrohi4u: plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
aural_fixations: no
adilbrohi4u: one moor
adilbrohi4u: plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
aural_fixations: no
adilbrohi4u: plz
adilbrohi4u: one moor shwo your vagina
aural_fixations: no
adilbrohi4u: plzzzzzzzzzz
aural_fixations: no
adilbrohi4u: plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
aural_fixations: no
adilbrohi4u: y
adilbrohi4u: why
aural_fixations: no
adilbrohi4u: no
adilbrohi4u: why no?
aural_fixations: no
adilbrohi4u: but why
adilbrohi4u: but why
aural_fixations: no
adilbrohi4u: r u bizy
adilbrohi4u: ok
aural_fixations: no
aural_fixations: I just don't like you.
adilbrohi4u: why
adilbrohi4u: invitee me
aural_fixations: no
adilbrohi4u: but like you
adilbrohi4u: and i love you
aural_fixations: I'm bored now. I'm putting you on ignore. Bye.

Saturday, January 03, 2004


tim_herrell2000: hey dear r u there
aural_fixations: Stop annoying me.
tim_herrell2000: dear u r a very beautiful lady and i was just tryin to strike up conversation with u
aural_fixations: I'm not interested.
aural_fixations: I don't want to view your cam.
aural_fixations: I want you to leave me alone.
tim_herrell2000: thats cool
tim_herrell2000: all i was going to do dear is allow u to c why they all call me BIG PAPA PUMP!!! Im hung like a stallion and go like a thoroughbred!
aural_fixations: That's really dumb.
aural_fixations: Leave. Now.
tim_herrell2000: i would allow u to view my big hard thick juicy cock on my cam
aural_fixations: You're an idiot if you think I want to see that.
aural_fixations: Go chat with someone of lesser quality than I am.

i_am_emmit_smith_22: will u flash ur hott

i_am_emmit_smith_22: moon

i_am_emmit_smith_22: plzz

aural_fixations: Nothing.

i_am_emmit_smith_22: anything

aural_fixations: Nothing.

i_am_emmit_smith_22: y not will u stand

aural_fixations: No.

aural_fixations: If you want to see more.. stop watching and find someone else's cam.

i_am_emmit_smith_22: u got any names

aural_fixations: No.

i_am_emmit_smith_22: plzz flash ill leave u alone

aural_fixations: You'll leave me alone now.

aural_fixations: I'm taking you off my cam and puttin you on ignore.

i_am_emmit_smith_22: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww'

i_am_emmit_smith_22: dnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

aural_fixations: then shut up and move along.

i_am_emmit_smith_22: flash

i_am_emmit_smith_22: flash

i_am_emmit_smith_22: flash

aural_fixations: No more cam for you.

I couldn't block him from my cam. He was viewing under a false name. So I turned off my cam. The following is a friend harassing little silly emmit:

insomniabob: I'm going for weird and homosexual instead of angry....
aural_fixations: Ok. lol
insomniabob: Ooh, now I'm getting a rise out of him.
insomniabob: ANy ammo I can use?
aural_fixations: hrm.
aural_fixations: He just wouldn't leave me alone after i said no to flashing.
insomniabob: Aw, he iggied me.
aural_fixations: lol
insomniabob: insomniabob: YOU MOTHER FUCKER!
insomniabob: Why'd you do it?
i_am_emmit_smith_22: wad i do
insomniabob: Don't you fucking play dumb with me, you dumb wop!
insomniabob: Why'd you fucking do it? That's all I want to know!
i_am_emmit_smith_22: oh im lost
insomniabob: Why'd you kick my dog?
insomniabob: Huh?
insomniabob: WHY.
i_am_emmit_smith_22: ohh that dog was in the way
insomniabob: FUCK you emmit!
i_am_emmit_smith_22: no no
insomniabob: I'm so mad right now I could suck a dick!
i_am_emmit_smith_22: ahhhhhhhhhh
insomniabob: Don't you fucking finish first, you bastard!
i_am_emmit_smith_22: no
insomniabob: Shut up, emmit, you little man slut!
insomniabob: I'll fuck you like a prison gaurd!
i_am_emmit_smith_22: ok
i_am_emmit_smith_22: ok
insomniabob: insomniabob: Yeah, that's what I though.
i_am_emmit_smith_22: huh
i_am_emmit_smith_22: whore thats it im gna have to whoop some ass u fuckin slut back the fuck up off my ass bitch for i fuckin kill u
insomniabob: You can't kick my ass, emmit, it's MY turn to be on top!
insomniabob: You're the bottom today, boy!
insomniabob: i_am_emmit_smith_22: no slut fuckin eat shit u fuckin whore
i_am_emmit_smith_22: ok whos this do i kno u
insomniabob: If that's how you wanna play it, baby, I'm down.
insomniabob: Never done that scat stuff before, though.
i_am_emmit_smith_22: ignore time
insomniabob: that good for you?
aural_fixations: lol
aural_fixations: yes
insomniabob: glad to be of service.
aural_fixations: you're a star!!! *kisses*

. ***someone was very upset that I blogged him. HA HA HA. To bette understand this entry, see the one below it.

stone_cold_newyork: u are a bitch
aural_fixations: Thanks.
stone_cold_newyork: i know how to screw bitched like u in my bed
aural_fixations: Obviously not. You couldn't even get me to be your friend.
stone_cold_newyork: i can screw ur ass all night and will give u nice time
aural_fixations: No.
stone_cold_newyork: hey u are scerd of my nasty and big dick
stone_cold_newyork: u can make u ride on my hard and big dick all night
aural_fixations: I'm not scared of ANYONES imagination.
stone_cold_newyork: hey i bet u can be a great rider
stone_cold_newyork: hey u like to ride?
aural_fixations: You are great blog material. Keep it up.
stone_cold_newyork: i am sure u would liek to ride on me
stone_cold_newyork: and u know i am a great licker....nasty blowjobber
aural_fixations: No. Like I said. You couldn't even bait me to be your friend with lots of money.
stone_cold_newyork: well i think u are not worh that money
stone_cold_newyork: i can get a bitch like u without paying her
stone_cold_newyork: i can imagine the colour of ur pussy,,,,just pink enough to make me horny
aural_fixations: I was born without a torso.
stone_cold_newyork: so tell me the colour of ur pussy
stone_cold_newyork: dont feel shy
aural_fixations: crust.
stone_cold_newyork: com on i am not gonna fuck ur pussy ryte now
stone_cold_newyork: so just tell me
aural_fixations: I said. Crust.
stone_cold_newyork: ok and are u ready and good enough to take a mighty hard dick in u
aural_fixations: Sure.. who are you going to get?
stone_cold_newyork: yeah me
aural_fixations: Oh.
aural_fixations: You aren't able to satisfy me.
stone_cold_newyork: u know i am bastard in bed
stone_cold_newyork: well i will make u crazy in bed
stone_cold_newyork: i am a great sex lover
stone_cold_newyork: i can push into u so hard that u wont go for any other dick in ur life
stone_cold_newyork: i will make u screem and aditcted to my nasty dick
aural_fixations: You can't satisfy me.
aural_fixations: You don't know how.
stone_cold_newyork: i can.........
aural_fixations: You have no idea how.
stone_cold_newyork: i can lick ur clit for hours till u wont tell me to stop
aural_fixations: That is not what satisfies me.
stone_cold_newyork: i am a graet licker
stone_cold_newyork: i can flick my tongue on ur clit
aural_fixations: That doesn't satisfy me either.
stone_cold_newyork: just left and then right then ina nd then out so fast and vigrous
stone_cold_newyork: well i know u liking what i am saying
stone_cold_newyork: i can feel that u are feeling something nice between ur legs
aural_fixations: No.
aural_fixations: It's funny though.
stone_cold_newyork: yes dont lie
aural_fixations: I don't "like" it. It doesn't turn me on.
aural_fixations: It just makes me laugh at you.
stone_cold_newyork: no it is not funny ,i can feel the pressure buliding between ur legs ....well u want to open ur legs,,,so just do it
aural_fixations: Its hilarious that you think that's sexy.
stone_cold_newyork: i am ready to lick ur clit for ours and even lick ur arm pits
aural_fixations: It's amusing that you think that any of that is what I like.
stone_cold_newyork: i am gonna lick ur ass.and then gonna lick ur back for hours
aural_fixations: That doesn't do it either.
aural_fixations: See.. I know you are BAD in bed.
aural_fixations: Do you know why I KNOW?
stone_cold_newyork: well i am sure u would likeme to flick my tongue between ur feet fingers
aural_fixations: Because you haven't even ASKED what I like.
aural_fixations: A man who doesn't ASK, is BAD in bed.
aural_fixations: and it seems you are the worst.
stone_cold_newyork: and i can feel now that u are too curious to talk to me and that is why ur typin speed is increasing
stone_cold_newyork: well i havent asked u coz i know u wont tell me so it is better i should try ever sex poses and techinques
aural_fixations: You're right. I won't tell you.
stone_cold_newyork: wat about if i start licking nad flicking the flesh around ur ears
aural_fixations: Because you don't interest me.
aural_fixations: A man who doesn't interest my MIND has NO chance getting in my pants.
aural_fixations: I think you're a moron.
stone_cold_newyork: what if i hols ur hair and pull them backa nd start licking and kiss ur throat bone
aural_fixations: And now that I've said that, and gotten all this conversation in my blog, I'm going to put you back on ignore. Bye!

.**I have my suspicions regarding this person's identity**

stone_cold_newyork: hey i would like to ask u something and i am sure it will benifit ya
stone_cold_newyork: so can i?
aural_fixations: What.
stone_cold_newyork: well u might have too many pms to chat with but i a sure i can get really interesting for ya
stone_cold_newyork: but b4 i ask u something ,i just wanna know ,how important do u see money in ur life ?
aural_fixations: depends.
stone_cold_newyork: depends on wat?
aural_fixations: Just ask the question.
stone_cold_newyork: oke fine
stone_cold_newyork: do u like diamonds and would u like if some one gift u most beautiful neckless made of diamonds
stone_cold_newyork: i have the reasons why i am asking ya this thing,but frst u answer me
aural_fixations: Sure.
stone_cold_newyork: okie my name is allan trasher...i have the business of diamonds and i can gift them to someone nice and i have already done it 3 or 4 times i my life,,actually i like spending money on sweet ladies
stone_cold_newyork: ur silence says u dont like diamonds?
stone_cold_newyork: is it!
aural_fixations: I said "sure".
aural_fixations: What do you want.
stone_cold_newyork: u never answer my important imortant is money to u..?
stone_cold_newyork: ok fine sorry to bother ya......i think u dont like rich men
stone_cold_newyork: i had something to offer u but it seems u are not interested
aural_fixations: I'm asking YOU what do you want?
aural_fixations: It seems that you're a salesman and I'm listening to a telemarketer.
aural_fixations: Get to the point.
stone_cold_newyork: hahaha
stone_cold_newyork: lmao
stone_cold_newyork: okie fine ,i wanna know u and i would like to have pleasure to spend lots of money on u
aural_fixations: Define "know" me.
stone_cold_newyork: okie....know u means ,i would lie to know few things about ya and after that would liek to meet ya and after that would liek to give lotsof gifts to ya and spend money on ya........
stone_cold_newyork: how is that sounding to ya
stone_cold_newyork: and would liek to go for a candle light dinner
aural_fixations: I have a boyfriend.
stone_cold_newyork: does that mean a sweet women like u cant meet and know other person who likes her
aural_fixations: It means I'm not at all interested in meeting any other man.
stone_cold_newyork: well what if u get a bag fullof dollers
aural_fixations: Then I take his money, he gets nothing, and then I have a boyfriend AND a bag full of dollars.
stone_cold_newyork: hey ,listen i am very choosy when i choose anything forme...i think i like u
aural_fixations: I don't care.
aural_fixations: I'm not interested in meeting you.
aural_fixations: I have a boyfriend.
aural_fixations: RESPECT that.
stone_cold_newyork: ok fine but we can be net friends
stone_cold_newyork: ok i respect u now
aural_fixations: I don't tell people "ok. now you're my friend."
stone_cold_newyork: i like to respect women
stone_cold_newyork: okie fine and even i dont give offers to every women i meet ,so u too should respect me
stone_cold_newyork: anyways ,till now it is nice talking to u and i must say NIC MEETING YA
aural_fixations: uh huh
stone_cold_newyork: so how old is aural fixations?
stone_cold_newyork: hey i like onething about u..UR HANDS
stone_cold_newyork: LOL
aural_fixations: 31
stone_cold_newyork: okie and wherea re ya from?
aural_fixations: st louis
stone_cold_newyork: ok umarried?
aural_fixations: Did I just not say that I have a *boyfriend*?
stone_cold_newyork: so that does not mean u are maried to him?
aural_fixations: He would be my HUSBAND.
stone_cold_newyork: ok hope so
stone_cold_newyork: lol

stone_cold_newyork: hey u there
aural_fixations: yes
stone_cold_newyork: i like ur hair...why dont u untie them ,they would look much beter when u untie them
aural_fixations: What??
aural_fixations: untie WHAT?
stone_cold_newyork: untie ur hair
stone_cold_newyork: make them open
aural_fixations: What?
aural_fixations: My hair isn't tied.
aural_fixations: What the hell are you talking about?
stone_cold_newyork: ok
stone_cold_newyork: fine
stone_cold_newyork: so tell me how tall are ya?
aural_fixations: 5*3
stone_cold_newyork: ok that is not a good height
stone_cold_newyork: anyways u hae to be with it
aural_fixations: I like my height. It is perfect.
stone_cold_newyork: hey what is ur month of birth
aural_fixations: 7
stone_cold_newyork: july
stone_cold_newyork: so are u leo
aural_fixations: no.
stone_cold_newyork: cancer?
aural_fixations: Yes.
stone_cold_newyork: ok fine
stone_cold_newyork: would u liek to know about ur future
stone_cold_newyork: i know lots of astrology
aural_fixations: No.
stone_cold_newyork: and would u like to know about ur comming year i mean 2004
aural_fixations: No.
stone_cold_newyork: ok fine
stone_cold_newyork: as uw ish
stone_cold_newyork: i can tell u about ur nature and what kind of women u are
aural_fixations: No.
stone_cold_newyork: what
stone_cold_newyork: no
stone_cold_newyork: no
stone_cold_newyork: no
stone_cold_newyork: no
stone_cold_newyork: cant u say yes
stone_cold_newyork: lmao
aural_fixations: If you ask a question that I agree to.
aural_fixations: So far, you have not.
stone_cold_newyork: lol
aural_fixations: I know astrology. I don't need you to tell me. So, no, and no.
stone_cold_newyork: okie fine so u are gonna answer me
stone_cold_newyork: thanxs
stone_cold_newyork: ok do u know about luck lines in ur hand
stone_cold_newyork: i am sure u dont know about them
aural_fixations: I know palmology.
stone_cold_newyork: ok just show me ur hands
aural_fixations: So no, don't tell me about that either.
aural_fixations: No.
stone_cold_newyork: i wanna see once
aural_fixations: I SAID NO.
stone_cold_newyork: ok let me teach something else
stone_cold_newyork: do u know about pencil trace
aural_fixations: No.
aural_fixations: I don't care to know.
stone_cold_newyork: hehe,dont u think u are talking like a looser
aural_fixations: What?
stone_cold_newyork: hey u dont know about pencil trace and still u dont wanna know,,,does that make any sense
stone_cold_newyork: ?
aural_fixations: I don't know about being lit on fire and stood in front of a moving bus either... and I know that I don't want to know.
stone_cold_newyork: It's thrilling with the finger. It's performed with the forefinger or with the middle finger, which is also called the love finger, because it's the most skilful in this type of caresses. With a pencil's precision and the lightness of a feather, the middle finger re-shapes the body. this is called as pencil trace
aural_fixations: I'm going to put you on ignore now.
aural_fixations: Bye.
stone_cold_newyork: lol
stone_cold_newyork: hey this is not offensive
stone_cold_newyork: u should know about everythig in life
aural_fixations: I TOLD you no, and you did not respect it.
stone_cold_newyork: so chill out my dear friend
stone_cold_newyork: k fine
stone_cold_newyork: sorry
aural_fixations: I don't wish to speak with someone who has such disrepect.
stone_cold_newyork: i respect u now
stone_cold_newyork: so plz smile
stone_cold_newyork: u look beter when u smile
aural_fixations: No.
aural_fixations: I only smile when I want to.
stone_cold_newyork: so just smile
stone_cold_newyork: ya
aural_fixations: Not when someone tells me to.
aural_fixations: I'm not a little puppet.
stone_cold_newyork: hehe so rude
stone_cold_newyork: u are old puppet whome i love to respect
stone_cold_newyork: lol
aural_fixations: I am not a puppet.
stone_cold_newyork: okie fine
stone_cold_newyork: u have nice eyes
stone_cold_newyork: i mean nice and deep eyes
aural_fixations: I know.
stone_cold_newyork: i was just reminding ya
stone_cold_newyork: i thought u forgot it
stone_cold_newyork: so what s ur waist size?
aural_fixations: It is none of your busines.
stone_cold_newyork: ok fine can i add u
aural_fixations: No.
stone_cold_newyork: i promise u that some day i will be helpful to u
stone_cold_newyork: u never know when u will need me
stone_cold_newyork: u always need rich men so we better be friends
stone_cold_newyork: i am serious
aural_fixations: No.
aural_fixations: I'm fine with the friends I have.
stone_cold_newyork: just add me as well
stone_cold_newyork: u have nothing to loose
stone_cold_newyork: hey
stone_cold_newyork: hello
aural_fixations: What
stone_cold_newyork: let us be friends
stone_cold_newyork: a true one
aural_fixations: That's is completely socially awkward.
aural_fixations: No.
aural_fixations: I won't be friends who asks to be friends.
stone_cold_newyork: ok fine
stone_cold_newyork: ok bye u take care
stone_cold_newyork: i tried a lot but u dont want to talk to me
aural_fixations: bye
stone_cold_newyork: bye

Thursday, January 01, 2004

kidrock_69_63645: so is that all you do is sit there and look at the cam?

kidrock_69_63645: how boring

kidrock_69_63645: lol

aural_fixations: Nobody is holding you here.

aural_fixations: I didn't ask you to look. I'm not keeping you.

kidrock_69_63645: could i stick my dick in that mouth the next time you open it up like that

aural_fixations: No.

aural_fixations: Don't speak to me that way. I don't appreciate it.

kidrock_69_63645: how many inches can you swallow

kidrock_69_63645: i'll talk to you how ever the hell i want to

aural_fixations: No you won't. You're going on ignore. Tah..